Ears and nose?

I have recently started body waxing and liked the results, and was wondering if there was some sort of waxing, depilatory, etc., that might do a good job on my ears and nose. (I have used trimmers, but wondered if something else might work better.) Does anyone have any comments or thoughts on that?

hi there,

You could still wax your ears. I dont see why not.

As for nose, are you talking about the inside of the nose or outside? Inside, i believe trimming with clippers is your best bet. Plucking that area can leave it vulnerable to infection. so i dont recommend plucking.


Thanks, rachelle!

I see what you are saying about the nose hairs–I hadn’t thought of that!

Re the ears, I like the concept, but what technique or product would you use to get in there? That’s what I have been trying to figure out.

OH! you are talking about inside the ears??? i assumed it was outside the ears that you wanted to remove. ok outside the ears, i/e the area’s were earrings would hang, i would still recommend waxing and use it how you would normally use it on the rest of your body… just use small amounts and small paper to pull the wax off…

inside the ear (and nose)… trimmer/scissors! do NOT use wax inside the ear. thats a sensitive area and damage there is dangerious. even with scissors or trimmers, dont go into far… just trim what is visible on the outside. going in too far with the scissers can punture your tymphanic membrane (i.e. ear drum) and that could result in permanant hear loss. please becareful.

good luck!


by the way, why bother with your ears, it is probably you who notice the hairs there anyway. i doubt anyone else sees them. dont sweat <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Thanks again for your input, Rachelle!

I’ll be careful about not poking around too far inside my ear, don’t worry!

And, I wish that no one else would see them, but I’m a guy who’s old enough that, unfortunately, they do get pretty easily noticeable! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

With hard wax and a trained professional you can wax just inside the ear, probably where you are talking about, just don’t try to do it yourself.
the hard wax won’t get too far inside the ear if they do it properly and it will pull out those offensive hairs…please go to a professional.

I want the ear & nose hair removed as well. As I pass 40 years, that hair is getting more noticeable. Which professional should I seek out? Laser, electrologist, or waxer?

As I understand, laser can be done on your ears as long as the hairs are dark.

If the hairs are not dark, then electrolysis must be used. Electrolysis can not be done in the ear canal because they are not easily reached and overtreatment in the ear canal can cause infection.

Don’t expect rapid success on the ears because those frustrating ear hairs keep blooming during a man’s entire life span. You’ll need touch up visits a couple times during the year to grab those new growers.

Now for the nose. According to information in Michael Bono’s book, “The Blend Method”, some medical authorities say electrolysis should not be preformed on the inside nose hairs. If an infection were to occur, it could spread into the brain and become life-threatening. Many carry a certain bacteria in their nose called staphylococci, so getting an infection is always a possiblity if electrolysis is done.

The other side that disagrees with the above say that electrolysis is safe as long as sterile proceedures are followed. You need to watch closely for infection and see a physician as soon as possible if that occurs. As a practicing electrologist,I would ask my client to get wriiten permission to preform electrolysis inside the nose.

My last comment is simply this: I think it would hurt beyond burning in HELL to do either electrolysis or laser in this area. Waxing will hurt,too.

A good nose clipper sounds like a good alternative for nose hair, in my opinion, unless you are very numb or very brave.


As I understand, laser can be done on your ears as long as the hairs are dark.

If the hairs are not dark, then electrolysis must be used. Electrolysis can not be done in the ear canal because they are not easily reached and overtreatment in the ear canal can cause infection.

Don’t expect rapid success on the ears because those frustrating ear hairs keep blooming during a man’s entire life span. You’ll need touch up visits a couple times during the year to grab those new growers.

Now for the nose. According to information in Michael Bono’s book, “The Blend Method”, some medical authorities say electrolysis should not be preformed on the inside nose hairs. If an infection were to occur, it could spread into the brain and become life-threatening. Many carry a certain bacteria in their nose called staphylococci, so getting an infection is always a possiblity if electrolysis is done.

The other side that disagrees with the above say that electrolysis is safe as long as sterile proceedures are followed. You need to watch closely for infection and see a physician as soon as possible if that occurs. As a practicing electrologist,I would ask my client to get wriiten permission to preform electrolysis inside the nose.

My last comment is simply this: I think it would hurt beyond burning in HELL to do either electrolysis or laser in this area. Waxing will hurt,too.

A good nose clipper sounds like a good alternative for nose hair, in my opinion, unless you are very numb or very brave.


I agree! Even a hard core hair removal enthusiast like me would never even consider laser or electrolysis inside the nose. You’re right about the ear hair. And it’s growing faster! And some of it is white. I had a white hair removed from the outside of my nose. My electrologist says, “this is gonna sting.” But I didn’t feel a thing. It was a live hair too because I tugged on it with tweezers the day before and it was definitely “alive.”

Since I’ve had hair removed from other areas, it seems like the ear and nose hair is growing faster to make up for it LOL! At least the ear and nose hair covers a smaller area and is easy to remove. The ear hair is fine, but the nose hair is very coarse. If I don’t trim the nose hair every two weeks, it actually interferes with breathing through my nose.


Certainly, this is not a top priority, but the concerns raised here are consistent with other forums discussions. The ear hair is the “old man” look where they get to 4" or so if you let 'em. Now I shave my ear lobes, but then I actually get stubble – its not visible, but I notice it!

For the nose, its coarse black hair that grows fast! I need to trim every coupla days or it grows outward; if I didn’t have a moustache, it would be very obvious! I would like to remove this hair in the safest way. My electrologist says she did her nostil hair and it HURT LIKE H**K! I heard that laser can actually be done as well, but I have not found an LHR that actually WILL do it.

Anyway, I will probably try the electrolysis someday – a few hairs at a time to limit pain and infection risk. I get ingrown hairs in my nose anyway from trimming (and allergies?) and it does hurt (like a pimple inside my nose flesh), but hasn’t killed me yet…

I realize that this thread is old, but I still have to add my experience. I decided to try full strength Royal Crown shaving powder to remove the hair just inside my ears. It certainly removed the hair–and turned my ears bright red and got them bleeding. Really, really stupid.

Your information is invaluable. Thanks, Addie.


No offense, but I seriously consider “infection from the nose can travel to the brain” to be a BIG bunch of horse hockey and here’s why - the brain is NOT accessable through the nose - not in any way. The brain is completely incased in the skull, I heard this same arguement when I wanted a nose piercing and a septum piercing and went and talked to not just one but THREE doctors, two of which were ear, nose and throat specialists and it’s just not possible unless it was some insane flesh eating bacteria but you would be in an incredible amount of pain there would be serious serious swelling and signs of infection and the infection would go septic - meaning into the ENTIRE body and bloodstream and not just “go into the brain”. Obviously there’s that risk with any scratch or cut or anything, so the logic that electrolisis is especially dangerous inside the nose is false, it’s more about the pain and difficulty for the person who has to perform the procedure - and the old OLD logic that still continues today about many things that body parts in the same general area must affect each other, like tradition chinese medicine that insists eating/smoking the penis of dangerous animals makes yours larger and more virile.

This issue is a matter of ethics. As a praticing electrolysis for 29 years and in an academic enviornment I for one will be the first to tell you we are not physicians. Whether you want to believe this or not the issue of treating inside of the nose is not only a higher risk of infection but also because it is a mucous membrane and is NOT SKIN.Mucous membranes in and of themselves carry high levels of bacteria and are surrounded by thousands of blood vessels,waiting to bring to the bloodstream any intruder.Like your mother warned"Don’t pick your nose"? There actually was good cause for the warning.

Well, then what you are saying is that Michael Bono’sbook has old logic concerning electrolysis treatment for the inside of the nose and ears. Any other views on this subject of treating the inside of the nose and the ear canal with electrolysis? Thanks for the comment zsazsa. We are not suppose to treat mucocutaneous junctions, very true.

If you are an electrologist, do you have personal experience treating noses and ears? What was the outcome? I agree that you are not going to get too much cooperation from a client if you were to treat the inside of the nose. The pain and tearing would put the brakes on that idea pretty fast, unless you were tough dog like Wile E.Ky-O-taaaay.

Ancient Egyptians removed the brain with a long hook inserted through the nose during the mummification process.


“EEA, also called endoscopic transnasal brain surgery, has been used to remove benign and malignant tumors, some as large as baseballs, all through the nose. It allows access to and removal of tumors from the “inside out” without disturbing the face or skull. There is no need for incisions at all, as the nose provides the surgery passage.”


Mucous membranes are a very interesting topic. Yes, they do have large microbe populations. However, they are also designed to largely handle them with impunity.

The mouth, for example, is home to an amazing variety - and number - of bacteria. However, surgery of the gums and other oral membranes is commonly performed without disinfection. It would be almost impossible, and simply is unnecessary - even when surgically extracting a third molar using a procedure that exposes the bone.

As for accessing the brain through the nasal cavity, Choice is quite correct. The Egyptians did remove the brain through a hole made in the ethmoid bone during the mummification process, and surgeons at the University of Pittsburgh do pass endoscopes through holes made in the bones that line the nasal cavity. That said, the instruments used to make the openings are much sturdier than an electrology needle or even a needle holder. Moreover, any hair that a client would want removed is generally at the outer nostrils rather than ten centimeters deep. :slight_smile:

I’ve searched for case reports of nasal epilation induced brain infections, but haven’t been able to find any. This does not prove that it can’t happen - after all, if one e.g. has AIDS almost anything may prove fatal. Still, I find it easier to believe that if the practice is frowned on it is because local bureaucrats and/or doctors feel that it should be disallowed to non-doctors rather than because it is inherently life-threatening.

All good points, but as long as there are guidelines supported by our national organization, I think (it’s not mentioned as a no-no on their FAQ’s page) electrolysis curriculums, certain books, state boards we are obliged to practice with a standards of care that are accepted and recommended. It may be okay to treat ear canals and inside the outer rim if the nose, but if something goes terribly wrong, there isn’t going to be anyone in your corner if you’re the electrologist that treated these areas against national or state standards. We are not permitted to go outside boundries that do not protect the health and welfare of the client. It has been decided that those areas should not be treated whether an electrologist agrees or disagrees with this practice.

I certainly do not take offense that you raised this point, boredbody. I think you made a legitimate response and there may some validity to what you are saying, but electrologists are restricted by rules and regulations just like any other profession, or they could lose their license. I sleep well at night and want to keep it that way.



I recently heard that a friend had a brain tumor removed
through her nose. I think that was the least invasive route
in this particular case.

As far as treating ears and noses with electrolysis goes?
Mine treated hairs on the outer part of the ears and also
on the lower inside edge of the nostrils. It hurt in both locations, but treating the nose hairs can really bring tears to the eyes.


Just keep in mind that the doctor’s position is that any tissue injury in the nose invites the staph, bacteria, and any potential virus to gain more direct access to the blood pathways in the area of the nose. In their estimation, so much as a scratch by a fingernail, or a plucked nose hair can lead to a backlash that would send infection into the cranium via the blood pathways going past the optic nerve.

Now I bet you did not know that you were playing russian roulet every time you pick your nose, but that is what the doctors are saying. (In my 20 years I have never heard of anyone having such a complication from nose electrolysis, but I guess it is just as possible as triggering an infection via fingernail scratch, or nose hair pluck.)