Double pulse technique good?

Hi all,

My electrologist uses a double pulse technique on the facial hairs. I am very prone to scarring and scared that this could be over treatment?

It like a short double beep. Really goes like beep beep. Please share your insights.

The hairs are not coarse but not vellus, I would say in between. Caused by laser hair removal.

We use this technique often. No reason to be wary of it especially if you aren’t seeing poor healing.


I agree with the above. I do a manual double pulse on thick facial hair. There’s no blanching, no leaking, no scabbing, no pitting and no scarring. A good electrologist will know the best approach. A bad electrologist will probably do poorly with almost any method because they don’t understand the fundamentals.

If you’re not experiencing any adverse effects, then you’ll be fine.

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Once again thank you for your reply :heart::woman_in_lotus_position:t4:. Whole treated area is now (30 hours later) covered in pustules. I already had scars forming from a different electrologist and switched. Now I am scared to have scars as well with this practitioner. She is very calm and nice and wants to help me. She acknowledged I have osteofolliculitus, now I am wondering if it is just weak skin barrier or if it is over treatment.

I am so glad this forum exist. I am super anxious and I am happy there is a place where I feel seen, acknowledged and helped.

I am seeking wisdom to see what to do so my treatment goes as smooth as possible with beautiful results.

Thank you dear. She does it on every hair. Even the intermediate hairs, and strangly she zapped rhe thick coarses hairs (just a few) without a double zapp. She used 67/10.