Hi all,
I’m a 24 year old guy wanting to get a close shave. Perhaps this just isn’t realistic for me: I’m kind of a shaving disaster area. I have sensitive fair skin and dark, very coarse and curly hair.
I normally use an electric shaver (a philips HQ5660). I do get razor bumps and lots of skin irritation (red marks around my neck) from it, but the main problem for me is that it doesn’t give a very close shave which leaves the remaining hair still very visible and feel-able. Basically it turns long stubble into slightly shorter stubble.
So I’ve tried wet shaving with a Mach 3 and it just doesn’t seem to work for me at all. The blade kind of jerks/bounces across my face with a tugging feeling as if my skin were getting caught in the blades. When applying little pressure as recommended it doesn’t seem to cut my facial hair at all. When I push a bit harder it cuts my skin (I get several little bleeding spots). Does it sound like I’m doing something wrong, or is the Mach3 just not right for me?
I’ve tried to follow the standard advice (soak face in warm water before, rub face with a towel, apply moderate amounts of shaving gel (tried the Gilette shaving foam, the Gilette shaving gel and King of Shaves Kinexium), don’t press hard, shave with the grain. I have shaved my neck succesfully (ish) with the Mach3 when I tried going against the grain, going with produces the same skipping/jerking effect. Going against the grain doesn’t seem to help on the face.
Any suggestions most appreciated.