I have read many threads on this forum and I realize that waxing an area like the face, or another place where a woman grows unwanted hair in a male-type pattern, is a bad idea, because it may grow back thicker, darker and stronger. However, when people say that it is ok to wax arms and legs, does this apply to UPPER arms as well? I guess the growth there is hormonally dependant, because it only appeared around the same time as the rest of my unwanted hair, but it is still my arm after all…
With warm months ahead, I really want to feel secure in having hairless upper arms… but I am really reluctant to start shaving… because then I will have arm stubble if I don’t keep up! Yikes! Eventually I plan to get electrolysis on them but I have to save up money, and I also want to wait to see what effect Spironolactone has on the hair (so I don’t waste money if it reduces some of the hair.)
Also, one more question-- if I get my hormones under control with Spiro, is it still never ok to wax? I understand that waxing causes hormone-laden blood to rush to the area, but if my hormones are back to normal, won’t the hair be non-affected? Or am I misunderstanding something?