I’ve been using this forum for a while and have found it very informative! After looking into laser for female facial hair I was told by the laser technician that my hair was too fine and that it could possibly stimulate growth. So instead I looked into electrolysis. I have fine dark hair pretty much all down my neck, chin and jawline and also long sideburns. While I know its very important to be patient with electrolysis, it’d be great to be less self conscious and worried about the hair before I go travelling on a gap year next year (starting in September). The electrologist I found is BIAE registered. She was so lovely, had a really nice treatment area and did a free consultation and test patch. This was all great, my only issue is that she reckons I should have a 30 minute session every two weeks. I feel like this isn’t an aggressive enough tactic to treat the hair, but she maintains it is to be gentle to the skin and not overtreat. Does this sound right? I am willing to put in the extra time now if it will pay off later on.