i went to a few consultations and wanted to run this by you guys. i have nothing to compare it to so thought i would post. i am wanting to get my forearms, lower legs, underarm, and brazilian bikini done. i am a female.
one place uses the light sheer diode. it’s a franchise…pure laser. but they seemed the most knowledgeable (if curious about my experience with these consultations see my post in local referrals-3 consulations in nw burbs of chicago)
ok…well they charge 5295.50 for the total pkg which includes 6 sessions in each area and a discount. if i forget about the forearms i go down to 4020.50. does that seem reasonable?
also, has anyone had success in clearing any of the above mentioned areas in 6 sessions or less?
has anyone had success with IPL?? i visited 2 IPL places but i was not satisfied with either to even consider doing IPL (one of them was just downright scary).