Hi everybody! As you can see from my log-in name, I’m very embarrassed to be here. Truth is, I’ve struggled with facial hair all my life, thanks to my mother and her mother, who also had the same problem. It’s so annoying!
Anyway, I had a comment about the depilatories. I swear, these have never worked. I’m always so surprised to hear people talk about them as though everyone knows this is one way to temporarily, effectively remove hair. Am I the only one who’s been left with red skin and no hair removal? I mean, the hair melts off at the ends, but it doesn’t come out of the skin. So instead of long hairs, I’m left with stubble. (And redness). And no matter how long I leave it on there, it makes no difference. It doesn’t pull the hair out of the roots.
Has anyone else found this? Or the opposite?