Does hair on upper lip take longer to fall out?

Wow haven’t actually asked a question in awhile :slight_smile: Is hair on upper lip any different than anywhere else?

I did my full face exactly 12 days ago. I’m getting good shedding, bits and pieces every day, while a lot of hair though is still firmly rooted. I find though my upper lip all seems to be really stuck in there still and only the odd hair has shed. Does it take longer or is it any different usually than the rest?

Also does shaving do anything good/bad in terms of shedding? I had thought it best not to shave, since when hair is really long it will be easier to exfoliate it out but I’ve had to shave since it looks ugly!

On male faces, upper lip and chin are hardest to treat. It may be due to depth of the hair. They should play with settings.

It’s not bad to shave. It can just help shedding happen faster if you don’t. But on a visible area like the face, don’t worry about shaving. It can help the hairs come out on that area, especially if you exfoliate.

Thanks! That makes sense, my upper lip and chin are the hardest areas, they never really seem to shed. It’s only been 2 weeks tomorrow though but the upper lip is still really firm.

My tech had told me to come back in 4 weeks but I told her forget it that it’s too soon since there would be no hair to treat. She had said the first 3-4 sessions should be 4 weeks apart then I can do it more like 8 apart after that. She really had me convinced as she’s done lots of male beards and seemed to know lots about it. The thing is if I go back in 4 weeks and she uses the same settings, is it just a waste of time, or is it possible that because of the depth and so on it may need sessions closer together like that? I’m assuming it won’t work since the hair should shed. Maybe I’ll wait closer to the 4 week mark, see what’s happened and if still not much shedding I’ll talk to them and tell them nothing happened see what they suggest.

When they start to shed, I use biore strips to yank all them out at once. Untreated hair stays in place, the rest come right out:

That’s the grossest picture ever haha but that’s a good idea! I actually have had really good results using a salt/sugar scrub. When I did my forearms ages ago I had bought a sugar scrub and had great results with it. I was out of it a few weeks ago and since I know its all natural I just made one at home quick. Used coarse salt I had, brown sugar, sesame oil, few other things. The hair came out of my face in clumps, so seemed to work well too.

Face has shorter hair cycles, but 4 weeks is still too early. She should do a free touchup at 3 weeks, and then another treatment IF there is hair to treat at 6-8 weeks.

Might be a dumb question but did you shave before doing the biore strip? I bought them yesterday, you’re right they’re like $12 for 6 of the ultra ones at Loblaws. I hadn’t shaved in forever though, and I’m on day 8 or 9 since my treatment. Hair on my neck and so on is falling out good and if I pull on them the odd one on my upper lip and chin fall out but most are still really firmly rooted. Kind of annoying me because I went for a touch up 4 weeks after my first session at much higher settings and still my chin isn’t fully shedding. Mind you I’m only on day 9 but frustrating. Anyway I did the biore strip without shaving and it probably pulled out 6 or 7 hairs that was it so not sure if I need to shave first? On the positive my pores on my nose are all clear now from them, they really work!