I just had my 1st laser treatment for facial hair removal (upper lip, chin & neck). This was 2 1/2 weeks ago and I am scheduled for my next treatment @ exactly 6 weeks from the 1st treatment. My question is that I will be out of town when my appointment is scheduled. I called and was told there is only a 2 day period before or after your exact 6 week. So they are closed the 2 days before and I will still be gone the 2 days after. I was told that if I did do the treatment 3 days before that I would not be pleased with the results and should wait until the next 6 week cycle or 12 weeks from the 1st treatment. Help please.
(btw - I have had very, very good results from just 1 treatment <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />)
6 weeks is not a rule. it actually varies from person to person and a body area to a body area. Basically, you are supposed to go back in when all hair sheds, and the new batch of hair grows back. It’s best to treat hair in its anagen phase when it’s most vulnerable, and that phase lasts about 4 weeks on the face I believe. that means that you should be fine if you go in anytime within 4 weeks after the new batch of hair comes in.
so it shouldn’t be a problem if I go back for the 2nd treatment either 3 days before or 4 days after the exact 6 week mark?
absolutely no problem <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> and if you don’t have any hair at that point, I would wait even longer.
thanks so much for all the response.