I have an appointment for a LHR treatment this Saturday. The clinic has a Gentlemax. I am a type 4 with medium tan brown skin. My hairs are extremely dense and very stiff and coarse. You can see the hairs clearly under my skin even when I am fresh shaved. I plan to do my legs, bikini and underarms. The nurse plans to use the Yag set at around 22 joules on a level 4 (I think that is the machine setting for Fitz type but not sure) and 18 mm spot size. Does this sound like they are ok for a first treatment?
On this machine, the pulse width is adjustable as well, so I would make sure it’s relatively low too. GentleLASE is fixed at 3ms and that’s how low this machine goes as well.
Otherwise, they sound fine. On 18mm on the Yag, 30J is max.