Hello Everyone,
From reading all the various posts (e.g. on the Laurier IBP) and having spoken to 8 licensed professionals, I have got varied responses, and so thought that I would post the questions…
Does the probe type matter? - In my quest to find a licensed professional that uses the Laurier IBP in MA, I have spoken with 8 different folks with decades of experience. The unanimous view seems to be that the probe type does not matter and that it is only the energy levels that do.
Does the machine type matter? - Here too most of the licensed professionals say that it is the energy levels that are important, though some who have the Apilus Platinum Pure say that it provides a more comfortable experience. One lady with 34+ years experience says that she gets better kill results with her old Spectrum versus her Apilus Senior II. (I personally appreciate the Pure’s ability to deliver energy over 4 pulses which is better tolerated by my skin.)
Or can a skilled electrologist provide the same results with just about any probe and/or machine?
While I think that technique and skill at killing the hair and hair cells are the most important factor, I feel that the machine and probe types are important too for the client’s over-all experience as far as skin irritation, pain tolerance etc. For example, all cars will transport from point A to B, but the ride may be more comfortable or more safer due to specific features.
This is my perspective based on my limited experience, and I was wondering what others perspectives from their experience have been?
Thank you.