Do not buy EMG / Epigold / KSD Electrolysis devices (buying cheap devices so you don't have to)

Hi HT,

I am currently undergoing training to become an electrologist in Australia.

I evaluated the machines on the market and determined that either the Sterex SX-B or something around that level would be good for me initially as a student/young practicioner.

I came across this EMG / Epigold machine sold by KSD Electrolysis machine which after requesting the manual, boasted all the features of the Sterex SX-B but with alledgedly shorter flash pulse timing for thermolysis mode and at a quarter of the price.

I had some personal issues and the item was left in original wrapping for a year, which didn’t bother me as the manual claimed 10 years warranty. The first time I went to use it, it was electrically faulty. I paid an electronics engineer to validate this as well.

KSD refused saying the item was 1 year old and thus couldn’t help with warranty, and when I showed them the manual they gave me, they said they would help but then just repeatedly made me run the same test on the unit about 5 times and then stopped responding.

I contacted the manufacturer who was in the Netherlands and they gave me the name of someone else in Turkey who ended up being listed in the manual as a contact. I contacted that person as well to explain the problem, and they have ignored my email.

I ended up losing about $1300 of my currency on this whole ordeal and don’t recommend purchasing anything that even remotely looks like this item - the case design is “OEM” which means companies other than KSD may be simply rebranding the front panel and knob locations but the quality would remain the same as they’re likely all being farmed out of the same workshop.

Off to go pick up an SX-B

Hi, Where are you getting your SX-B machine from ?

I wouldnt recommend anything off Aliexpress
but $1000 CDN for an electrolysis machine that doesnt work is crazy. Sorry for your wallets loss.

Livingstone - there are a few other places doing the machine for cheaper, but they’re much much smaller outfits than Livingstone, so paid the extra to go with a bigger company for warranty/service reasons.

$1300 down the drain is brutal. I’ve heard mixed things about those cheaper AliExpress electrolysis machines – you really get what you pay for, I guess. Stick with a reputable brand, even if it costs more upfront. It’ll save you a ton of headaches (and money!) in the long run.

“I am selling this product. First of all, no country in the world offers a 10-year warranty. The first lie from the customer is something everyone will notice when they look at our store. A 10-year warranty does not exist. The customer bought this product from us and after a year, claims the product is not working. We provided support, tried to assist, and I told them I would send spare parts, but they wanted to return it, which is not possible. I live in Turkey, and the return process is very difficult, and now they say they haven’t used the product for a year, which is not convincing at all. In short, we will report them. It’s very wrong for them to badmouth our brand and share the link to my Aliexpress store, but if they don’t remove it, we will file a complaint.”

“I am selling this product. First of all, no country in the world offers a 10-year warranty. The first lie from the customer is something everyone will notice when they look at our store. A 10-year warranty does not exist. The customer bought this product from us and after a year, claims the product is not working. We provided support, tried to assist, and I told them I would send spare parts, but they wanted to return it, which is not possible. I live in Turkey, and the return process is very difficult, and now they say they haven’t used the product for a year, which is not convincing at all. In short, we will report them. It’s very wrong for them to badmouth our brand and share the link to my Aliexpress store, but if they don’t remove it, we will file a complaint.”


The last of our conversation was 15th October, 2024 when I had again, for multiple times, did your little song and dance of putting the machine into some ‘test mode’ when I already new the power controller was faulty. Despite an alleged offer for spare parts, you failed to respond after I sent my last failed test results. You never replied, and never continued the conversation to start sending me parts. The parts you would have to have sent me to rectify the unit was the entire internal control board, which would be impossible to for you to send since I would have to physically open the device, of which stands you likely wouldn’t approve due to exposure to mains voltages. Therefore, what spare parts would you even try to offer? None, because you can’t, because the entire, monolithic internal PCB is faulty.

By the way, your own manual states (point 14) “The spare part availability period of the device as determined and announced by the Ministry is 10 years. In parallel with this, the recommended lifetime is 10 years”. Your product didn’t survive one year, and didn’t even survive first power on, and you ceased communication with me upon discussion of parts, and your supplier/manufacturer/distributor failed to respond as well. You shouldn’t provide a suggestion for a product lifetime of 10 years if as you say, nobody guarantees a product around that time.

I gave up on your customer service, and contacted the alledged manufacturer. I was told by a contact on the phone that they were sorry to hear the issues we were having and gave us an alternate contact number in Turkey. Who also did nothing

Let me state clearly here that it is entirely possible your products are high quality and that I got very unlucky with a faulty unit, but your customer service plainly, sucks, and my experience with you, and your manufacturer/colleages was pathetic. You have had over 3 months to respond to my messages, I gave up on you, and I would never deal with you again. It’s just that simple.

You had sooo many chances to make this right, failed on all of them. You had a chance to just be quiet, keep my money and never hear from me again, but instead you’ve come out swinging with threats. If you didn’t have negative publicity from my review before, then you’ve definitely cemented your customer service approach within the community here.

By all means, please contact Aliexpress and inform them of my honest feedback. This site has nothing to do with aliexpress, and I’ve never complained about you on their platform, so good luck I guess?

Your complaint has been heard on this forum, and deemed frivolous and hereby ignored. Any complaint you have may be handled by Aliexpress.

Good job standing up for consumers. Don’t let scammers get away with it. (Hugs.)


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Biz asla söylediğiniz Ɵekilde bir davranÄ±ĆŸ göstermedik sizinle olan tĂŒm sĂŒreci inceledik ve size gereken desteği sağlamak için uğraƟtık ÜrĂŒnĂŒ satın aldınız ve 1 yıl sonra hiç kullanmadığımızı iddia ediyorsunuz peki beni buna inandır Bu makina hassas en ufak darbe de zarar görebilir kısacası 1 yıl sonra ortaya çıkıp böyle birƟey söylemeniz çok garip tĂŒm bunlara rağmen biz sorunu çözmek için size cevap verdik sizi engelleye bilir veya hiç cevap vermezdim hatta burada bile sizinle muhattap olmazdım ama öyle bir insan değiliz sorun için bize ulaĆŸÄ±n çözelim

Thanks Seana :hearts:

I think maybe mods should consider locking the thread, since this vendor seems persistent, and the situation isn’t really going to lead to anything.

One of the functions we serve here is as a consumer advocate. Make no mistake about that it’s a primary goal here at hairtell. We’ve been talking about scam devices like the electrolysis tweezer since hairtell first began. Over that time the devices have evolved and changed as they always have done for more than 100 years
 But rarely is it necessary, and most tiimes it is not desireable, to remove a voicce from either party.Why? Because misunderstandings CAN happen, especially when things come down to multiple languages and misinterpretation of different languages can be a factor. So by keeping available open to comment by both sides on an issue, often we provide the medium by which misunderstandings are resolved. And just when we are sure of something, that we dont need tosee something hashed out for the millionth time or upsettingother consumers or otherwise non-beneficial to the purpose of the board
just when we have it exactly right in our heads, we are dead wrong.

For this reason, it’ s not often we intervene and close a thread and I’m not likely to this time either. It’s because hairtellserves an important function for resolving of grievances. Similarly, I have never seen your machine, I dont know for certain it is a scam though it’s probable it may be. I took the time though to google translate KSD’s reply here and this is what it says from what Google translate has here from what I’m guessing may be native turkish:
We never behaved as you said, we examined the entire process with you and tried to provide you with the support you needed. You purchased the product and after 1 year you claim that we have never used it. Well, make me believe this. This machine is sensitive, the slightest impact can be damaged, in short, it appears after 1 year and looks like this. It’s very strange that you said something, despite all this, we responded to you to solve the problem, you could block you or I would not answer at all, or even here I would not be in contact with you, but we are not that kind of person, contact us for the problem and we will solve it.

Now my turkish isnt very good, butthat honestly sounds more intended to try and bring resolution tot he issue. Maybe make the effort to communicate may settle the matter.

That’s fair, and I apprecaite that approach, and also happy to leave it open, just didn’t really want to be new to the forum and start wars

Regarding this specific situation is that there is no pathway to resolution according to what KSD has said both here and in our initial discussions on the phone. I have screenshotted our WhatsApp discussions, where on 4th Sept 2023 I specifically asked about warranty length for replace or repair, and was told “no exchange of the product, we provide spare parts in case of failure, the product does not deteriorate without being hit or dropped hard”. After countless attempts through 2 companies in turkey and 1 in the netherlands, all related, none have bothered to attempt anything, let alone responding.

If evidence is required, i’m happy to hand over my full whatsapp logs, as I have screenshotted them all in case the vendor deletes the conversation. The logs contain not only our discussions, but also images showing the exact electrical issue, and video evidence of the machine electrically faulted and not physically damaged.

So is it “the machine is sensitive, the slightest impact can be damaged”, or is “product does not deteriorate without being hit or dropped”? Can’t be both sensitive and not sensitive, in either case the package arrived with no discernable damage external or internal, and has never been dropped.

If there was/is a pathway that resolves this situation, I invite KSD publicly here to offer exactly what they intend to do so to remedy the situation other than just insinuating that i’ve dropped it or whatever the next excuse is.

I won’t hold my breath.