Since you are another person who did not bother to fill out the registration form <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> we have no idea about where you are, and that would actually help in answering this question.
The truth is, your electrologist will probably read you anyway. The question then becomes, how does your electrologist feel about treating transexuals. Some, like me, say, the more the merrier, I could not find a million hairs a year to remove without transexuals. Others, like a lady who confronted me on this issue would say, “I don’t aide and abet in the commission of sin!”
You may not like it, but it is better to know up front that you have an electrologist who is trans friendly, than to try to be stealth, and only succeed in creating a bad scene. The truth is straight men have a hard time finding an electrologist who is willing to do work on them. There are many reasons for this, but one of them is many electrologists don’t want to do the work that a male beard involves, and others simply can’t work fast enough to make any headway.
You are best off finding the best trans friendly electrologist in your area who has trans clients who are done and happy, or traveling to see someone who is a good electrologist, trans friendly, and fast.