Do I heat up the whole pot of Sugarwax?

Hi, I just bought some Bodyshop Sugarwax for my bikini line but I’m a little confused. The tub is 345g but obviously I don’t need to use it all. Do I heat up the whole pot of sugarwax or do I take some of it out and heat it up in something else? If I heat the whole pot and don’t use it all (which I won’t) is the rest of the wax ruined?

NEVER use any wax a second time. The temperature you use to heat your wax is not hot enough to kill bacteria. The wax has some skin flakes in it and bacteria LOVE THAT. You are looking for trouble. As there is an increase in urinary tract and vaginal infections in females having Brazilian removal jobs done. The hair DOES have a function and removing it permanently allows more bacteria access to an area that is commonly infected anyway, therefore, DO NOT HAVE IT DONE ON YOURSELF and it would be more ethical to dissuade your clients from doing it too. A surgeon makes money by cutting, however, the best surgeons know when NOT to cut. Maybe we should follow the example of the BEST surgeons.

I like your informative post, lefty. Very helpful.

You could heat it all, but NO DOUBLE DIPPING. Use a clean, new spatula each time. Because of the problems lefty mentioned, some states are now specifically legislating “no double dipping.” This should have been common sense to the professionals, but sometimes being lazy overrules.