Discouraged - not working

I’ve been having electrolysis done for 25 years, about every 4-6 weeks. Is anyone able to suggest why it’s not working? Thanks!

There could be a lot of reasons.There’s a lot of information we just dont know here . Some of this information includes:

We dont know what kind of electrolysis or whether the electrologist is skilled, working with properly functioning equipment ( I’ve purchased machines used where there was ZERO current going through the probeholder, an it appeared the machine was used that way for years), getting good releases on the hair, or in any way effectively treating the hair.
We dont know anything about your genetics, heritage , skin or hair type or even what part of the body they are working on. 4-6 Weeks apart is quite a long time, and we dont know if the electrologist is establishing full clearance of the area with every treatment. It could be a very small number of hairs, or so much that every 4-6 weeks with a brief treatment is but a drop in the bucket of the hair to be removed.

We dont know about your hormonal or skin history.There could be hormonal medical influences such as Poly Cystic ovarian Syndrom, Hyper/hypo thyroidism, or cushings disease.
We dont know if you are shaving, waxing plucking or threading between treatments which might make such treatments ineffective or worse stimulate more hair to grow in thicker courser or darker.

So unfortunately, with so little information, we cant tell you very much. Fill us in a bit more on some of these topics, and we may be able to give you better guidance.



Seana did a beautiful job asking about the above variables that can influence outcome. Please give more detail!!

Electrolysis does work. Period.

If you are a hormonally vulnerable woman, you may be pre-programmed, genetically speaking, to grow hair in spits and spats all along your woman timeline. You will need 1-6 short appointments every year to zap the NEW hairs that appear.

That may be what your situation is and explains 25 years of being treated. We cannot stop Mother Nature from stimulating new hairs. If your hairs have been treated and you feel no tugging (hairs should slide out), that is a clue that the hairs follicle is disabled permanently.

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“Hormonally Vulnerable”.
I think I’ll use that one. Much more efficient thatn listing off the 20 or so possibilities, none of which we are medically trained in :slight_smile:

I’m diagnosed with PCOS and I have had all my lower legs hair removed since 1999 when I was around 19. It took nearly 2 yrs to clear it all up. However, I start seeing around 6 hair in my lower legs this yr 2020 after being hairless for some time.

How to check if your therapist do the right things, providing your regular commitment:
– U should see significant change (less hair) after 6 months of regular electrolysis treatment for facial hair
– after 2 clearances for body hair

Overall time to clear all hair in a certain area is around 2 yrs on average providing regular commitment of a client.

A client should b able to observe the mentioned results with the condition that they have not waxed or plucked their hair for at least past 6 months before their very 1st electrolysis session, otherwise it may take a bit longer or few more sessions than other clients to hv all hair permanently removed.

If a client has laser/IPL hair removal prior to electrolysis, laser/IPL can retard hair growth upto many yrs. Says 4-6 yrs later u may still see hair regrowth.

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Here is a summary of my experience as a client. I thought you mind find this advice useful:

One rule of thumb: I would steer clear of any electrologist who states, on their website or in a consultation, that a single hair may take several treatments. From my research, I believe that an excellent electrologist will kill most hairs on the first zap. New hairs that appear after a successful treatment will mostly be different hairs.

ABSOLUTELY! In fact, in the hands of pros like you, Canada’s Seana, and Scotland’s Mairi Hawkes, it is actually a miracle for so many desperate people. I would travel a long distance to see one of the real pros. It is life changing!

aw shucks, I’m honoured to be included in such a distinguished list.


The list of known “rock star” electrologists is short indeed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:

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Sorry, yes, there was not much to go on. I’m 55, Dutch/German descent. Brunette with fair skin. Hypothyroid. I’ve seen two different electrologists, the main one was always careful that the hair (chin) came out easily, and she cleared all the black ones each time. It did seem to slow the growth a bit, but that’s all. I’ve always been careful to not pluck or clip in between sessions, except now during covid. Honestly, I am so tired of this, but don’t know what else to do.

The key word here is “most.” Some regrowth is unavoidable.

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