different eyebrow question....

I have been having my eyebrows done by a fab electologist that I know ( Debbie Strickland ) and she is trying to get my hairs to be softer and shorter…they are on the long side and pretty thick. She has given them a great shape, I am just wondering if anybody has had luck with breaking the long ones down to the point that they are a normal eyebrow length.???


If you have long and or coarse eyebrow hairs, then you must learn to groom them. The hairs treated with electrology currents will not become softer and shorter - they will be gone.

It would be possible to thin the hairs. What I mean by that is treating some of the hairs IN the brows will reduce the number of hairs in the area, and MIGHT make them more managable. The numbers of hairs are reduced, but the size of the hair is not smaller.

One of the tricks I teach my clients is to trim the hairs at home, using a comb and scissors. Place the comb parallel to the skin and clip the hairs that stick out. This way you won’t cut the hairs too short and be bald-browed.

Thanks Barbara,

Debbie said that she was trying to hit the “walls” of the folicle, not the root so as to break the hair down without killing it completely…

Does anyone know if after the electrolygist puts the needle in your hair follicle and then “Zaps” it, if you are supposed to feel her pulling the hair out? I went to another person and I could never feel it but I’ve gone to 2 since that one and I can feel it everytime now.

A nice anagen (growing) hair will slide out nicely if the proper combination of heat and timing has been used.

Sometimes, the telogen (non-growing hairs) that are treated are more resistant and you can feel them being taken out. If some hairs have huge “bulbs” you may feel those pop out. Make sure you know the feel between a pluck and a pop.

I would say if you are feeling every hair being tweezed, NOT GOOD. If you are just starting treatments, then the hair on the surface will be in all stages of growth. Since we can’t see below the skin, we can’t know which hairs are good growing hairs and which are the duds that probably will be resistant and not affected all that much by our current(s). Sometimes we can identify hairs on the surface that appear to be non-growers by certain charactaristics and pass over them in favor of the juicy growing hairs.

You certainly don’t want to be undertreated or there will be a lot of regrowth in a couple months that you will have to deal with. The first electrologist you went to sounds pretty good. It is good to mention to any electrologist treating you that you are feeling a tweezing sensation so they can tell you why OR… so they can make adjustments.


Thanks! I just got back from my 2nd treatment w/ my “new” electrolygist. I told her that I could feel a tweezing feeling and she said that b/c she’s heating up the hair follicle and that they are sliding out nicely and that she’s not tugging at all. She said she didn’t want to turn it up too much. However, the zapping def. hurt a lot more this time and I felt a lot less of the tweezing sensation. So I think she did turn it up which is good. One last question, is it sketchy that this place only accepts cash or checks??

The minimum cost of starting a credit card terminal is $600. In addition to that, you need to purchase a swipe terminal (possibly another $500 - $600), and pay monthly fees to the service (some charge $60 - $120 per mo.), and that costs you no matter if people are charging or not. On top of all this, they charge you a flat fee per use ($0.20 - $1.00), AND a percentage of the total charged (3% to 15%).

If you want to pay even MORE per hour just so you can charge your treatments, she can get a terminal.

Thanks for stating that, James. I never thought that clients would think it’s “sketchy” that some of us don’t take credit or debit cards. The cost is too high, and we don’t do the volume per day that allows big businesses to absorb the cost of taking cards.

You, and everyone else are welcome, as always.

Of course some customers think it is “sketchy” that the average electrologist doesn’t have a terminal in the office. They are used to their Salon, Spa, doctor, and even the corner store having those things. Now I know lots of Salons, Doctors, and stores that don’t take charge cards (and in Arkansas this year, I even saw a GAS STATION that did not <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />) but people have come to think of this service as standard, minimum business requirement.

What they don’t look at is the fact that use of this service requires our type of business to either lose money on an item just for the looks of things, and the use of a few, or charge everyone more so that an additional option is available.

I once attempted to get an electrolysis professional membership organization to let me set up a credit card processing service as a member benefit so the membership could take advantage of the volume discounts the chain stores get, but it was like talking to a brick wall. No one seemed to think it was something of value to put into the membership benefits package purchased by the dues paid to the organization. Oh Well, at least I tried.

If use of the Credit/Debit card is so useful to the client, the low cost way for the electrologist to offer this would be to set up a PayPal Account, and the client could then make payments in advance of the appointment if the office had no internet access, or right there online at the office if the office has an internet connected computer. PayPal also has a service that allows one to do the transaction using a touch tone phone, if one doesn’t have internet access, or the card customer has no email account (that they want to give you).

You can sign up for that here: Click Here To Sign up for PayPal Account and get Credit Card and Debit Card, and Driect Bank Account Deductions with no sign up fees, and no monthly charges

I was told that Costco has an actual terminal service that is cheaper than most, but I don’t have the sign up info off hand.

Merchant fees are much lower these days. I spent less that $300 in May to start accepting credit/debit cards. Clients really appreciate the convenience. I intentionally raised my fees a month before I started accepting credit cards. http://www.paynetsystems.com/

That is a good service you have there “Choice”.

Customers should still look at the fact that if one were to use that, one must first qualify for the terminal (a process more stringent than getting approved for a Credit Card) pay around $300 or more for start up fees and equipment, and in this case pay $5 a month no matter how many charges are put through, and pay 25 cents plus 2.19% of all transaction tickets.

It still amounts to the need for more revenue to cover offering this pament choice.

I might point out that some practitioners would not qualify for the terminal due to the credit worthiness needed to get a terminal. If one has never built up their own credit rating, and one’s source of income is “unverifiable” due to it being a self-employment situation, qualifying could be hard for some.

Bottom line, it costs more to be able to offer this, and is more hassle than some are willing to bother with.

I personally didn’t consider any of the electrologists I checked out that didn’t take credit cards “sketchy”. I assumed they were getting enough business without the need to spend money on dealing with accepting credit cards.

However, I should point out, that at least for me (but I assume many others in big cities as well), it’s actually a big factor in choosing an electrologist, especially since there are so many in a large city like mine. With all the ways you get “paid” for using a credit card nowdays (airline miles, cashback, etc), it makes a lot of sense for me to use it for every purchase, but especially something of thise nature, which is a large amount over a long period of time. And since in large cities, credit cards are pretty much the standard and accepted everywhere, it is also advantageous because you can track all your spending every month on one statement. (Although it’s not a factor for me, some people also cannot afford to pay cash for these treatments on a regular basis, so credit cards are a good option for them to get treatments on credit). I chose the last three electrologists based on the fact that they accepted credit cards, all other things being equal.

I actually advise practitioners to find a way to accomodate Credit Card Purchases. After all, since paying a large amount on a credit card equals a monthly payment of $60 to $100 a month, many people would like to pay for treatment up front, and then just make their monthly payments that equal one hour of work, once a month, to the credit card agency, while doing multiple hours of work with you as they need it.

Of course, most won’t do this until and unless they are very comfortable that you will be the person doing all their work.