Difference between automatic and manual?

Hello, I’m new to this board and I think it’s great. I was planning to purchase a one touch home unit, but now I’d like to purchase a professional unit to use at home. I was wondering, what is the difference between a machine that is manual and one that is automatic? Also, given that the only thing I know about electrolysis is the various methods (galvanic, thermolysis, blend) how can I train myself to use a professional unit safely and effectively? Is reading the manual enough? Thanks so much and have a great day!

You will need to visit our recommended reading section, and buy at least two (2) of the books listed there. You AND your electrolysis buddy should read both of them cover to cover and they start work on each other.

A manual machine at the very least requires a foot pedal for every treatment, and with some of them, you need to hold down the foot pedal the entire time you want current to be flowing. Automatic machines allow one to set an insertion delay and the machine will activate the current after it counts down the delay time so you have enough time to get your probe situated properly inside the follicle. This increases your speed of epilation as you have one less thing to think, or worry about. If, however, you don’t get the probe situated in the time alloted by the delay, you will have treatment energy fired while the probe is not in the best place for treatment.

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Thanks very much! I’ll get to the reading right away

But honestly

Deepends on your Amount of Hairs.

If you have like <100 Hairs …or least visible one , you want to destroy.

One touch is cheaper , better choice for you.

But really if you want to remove Hundreds -thousands of Hairs , buy better a Professional Machine.

One touch is also a Cheap /crappy Diathermy /termolysis machine. Enough to destroy some hairs… but slow… not really effective. I mean it can be possible you need go 2-3-4 times inside the hairfolice to kill he hair. Like you can investigate for the destroy process 30-40 Seconds (each hair).

Even if its just a cheap thermolysis machine for kinda 500 dollar/euro (not the v2r)or of this crappy brand … or a used one . Or some from silhoutte epil 100 or from any better brand used.

Silhoutte EPIL 100 is a good Manual Machine… but you can choose there between FOOTPEDAL and NEEDHOLDER SWITCH, like you have a button to press.

But a Usual Treatment time by Thermolysis , if the strength is enough for the hair , you want to treat . You need usual 1x 3/4 second each Hair (arround). But if you want to DIY , Usual you feel it , if the hairs get destroyed, doesnt matter DIY or by Professional one, it make a Sound like Popping popcorn , kinda.

Even on your skin you feel it , but hard to explain the feeling.

Also Very Important : If you treated your hair , and you want to tweeze i. MAKE SURE , it come out easily . If not, if it feeling it plug /dont come out easily. Stop tweezwingd, treat your hair again. And try again.

by Blend is 6 seconds a Usual time.

But let me tell , by some Machines (Simple one), like EPIL 100/EPIL 200 (for example)
by Machines like this you have not really to have , this much knownledge.

  1. You should Allways work Clean . Use Anti bacteries spray , clean area you want to treat.
    use Gloves (medicia one) latex , for 1 time use.

  2. You need to go with needle in the right angle in the hairfolicle , can happen that you are inside but you are poking against your skin (than electrolysis dont work) . But how the hair grow is a good point, how you can put the needle inside.

  3. Start not with High Strengths… i mean by Thermolysis for example common machines have 0-10 Strength. You should start with 2 -2,5 , look how it work for you .Or its enough for the hairs.
    If its not enough you can go bit higher like 2,5 -3 , test it out.

  4. If you treat hairs right like i told you above… i dont continue it with tweezing… and pop sounds.

  5. Also you should have different Needle sizes , it exist i think 4-5 , it exist even by websites like EURO IPL for their machines like a Guide , like what needle you should use for the hairs. But let me tell you also, its just a indication, i mean by some are hairs thinner… or thicker. You can sitll change.

  6. About hairgrowth cycycle you have to know it, so a Usual Treatment time is like 1 Year (arround) , can also happen by Peoples you need 17/18 Months … even my Electrologist told me it , even by Laser you hear it sometimes too. Like for Facial Hairs for Example you need 8x Apointments each 6 weeks like by Electrolysis (at least you could do it) = 1 Year . You Hear also sometimes peoples need 4 -6 Treatments and they are done . Also exist cases like me i had 17 Apointments and still hairs there.

  7. Give the Area /skin 4 weeks time to heal, You can use anti septic cream,zinc cream , to support healing process.

  8. Even tools…like zoom/lamp something to lay down with hydraulic to make it higher /lower and all can help.

Also depends on illnes like PCOS… You need proparly Years.

Sorry …WHAT? Are you just making htis stuff up as you go? The One touch is a consumer GALVANIC electrolysis device. It has absolutely zero diathermy capabilities. The rest of this post, well, I’ll just say that I dont think very much of someone instructing someone else on something they have never used and dont understand. I just dont think that can end well.

Where did I put that bottle? Oh ya, I dont have one. Damn and its raining so a trip to the liquor on the ebike isnt in the cards…

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Ahhh its Galvanic.

i thought allways its Thermolysis.Than it explain also why it need so long for 1 hair.

How i sayed… if you do DIY, if you are not a Professional Electrologist. If you have a machine.
And want start , doing it you must start anywhere.

Its basicaly , most you must know… or peoples without any trainee /do anyway. I mean peoples who do DIY.

About any Settings for Blend … Galvanic, i cant tell anyhting. That should tell a electrologist or anyone from the brand …who create this machines.

by a Thermolysis machien you will agree with me , that it make completly no sense to start by 10 of 10 Strength… Really its good to start low like 2 and look how it run. If its really to weak and you feel comfy with it , i mean its not painful. You could try like 2,2 -2,5 and look how it run… make little steps . If its to painful go some back .

And i know… about the problem with Thermolysis you wrote once (other thread), i Aggree with you.

But if anyone… do DIy… and you explain anyone the riscs like scarrings…burning… scaps for a while and so far.

Peoples do it anyway if they want to do it serious.

I would think it more helpful for a DIY’er to point them to resources that provide information on things like finding your WORKING POINT and other important information they should know. These would include michaels free ebook on the blend setup intoduction techniques:

Or better yet his full text available at Texas Electrolysis supply, also the works of Arthur hinkel Electrolysis Thermolysis and the Blend, or Cosmetic Medicical Electrolysis & Temporary Hair Removal by RN Richards. . These resources all provide information on subjects like finding the working point to determine timing and intensity. These are tried and true methods of perfoming electrolysis on yourself, or anyone else.

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I don’t think anyone having any success has no training. I think what Seana saying is DIY section is for people to learn not give advise. The only reason I am having any is because I’m standing on her shoulders. I didn’t go to school because covid, but took an 80 hour course online. I also read Hinkle and Bono’s books. They would have done me very little good without this site for context. Electrolysis is something that needs to be taken very seriously or no good will come of it.


@Iluv2zap @Maygan

You both are totally right.

Even this lecture is very good .

I Also getted a Riscless idea to learn , put The needle inside the Hairfolicle.

From this Professional Clinic in Belgium they do Electrolysis for Trans peoples a Lot. (2 Pass clinic)

They showed once something , you can do .

They used a piece of meat with skin and hairs (some). And Showed on this , how the different methods work. You could do something like this… to get some practice (for yourself). maybe i find video. on youtube.

Found it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NynwTa7_0Gc&t=2s


The Guide Lines in America/Canada , seems higher than in Europe.

I mean for Electrolysis.

How i wrote once, in a other thread.

Here exist no real school for it.

I mean , the Brands who create this Machines /sell the one.

Offer you for 1 DAY a Trainee (You must pay like 250-650 dollar/euro) You have 1 trainee day and after it , you get a certificate.

But i think have here with the Laser something to do.

I mean before 20-30 Years + , Electrolysis was a common way even by Doctors to destroy hairs . You could go to a doctor to remove your hairs with electrolyis.

But last 20-30 Years , Laser dominate all. Even skin doctors dont care anymore about Electrolyis, they use all Laser. It exist very less doctors who still do electrolysis.

Mostly cosmetic studios , do it .

M_K I’ve gone ahead and approved your post referring to the 2 pass clinics experimentation with meat and thermolysis currents. It seem that you are flooding the board with links, and it’s picking them up in the software as spam. Please refrain from flooding the board with multiple links over short periods of time, or the software will require them to be approved by moderation. We dont have the time to approve 19 posts in a single day. The rest of them, I’m just deleting them , because I cant read through that much very broken english to get at what you are even saying.
Try putting more quality into what you are posting and taking time to make your post readable. Maybe dont post replys to 17 different threads in the course of 10 minutes.


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