I saw an electrologist for the first time yesterday with 10+ years of experience and consistent 5 star ratings. I told her I was mostly concerned of scarring and hyperpigmentation since my darker skin is prone to it. She told me blend would be best as it doesn’t cause hyperpigmentation at all, but I’m extremely concerned with the large scabs left. They have a white center with darkness around. I sent her a picture yesterday and asked if it’s normal to which she responded yes. I just want to get some more opinions because my stomach is in knots. Any and all help would be appreciated.
First, the blend can, like all modalities, induce hyperpigmentation. Inflammation causes hyperpigmentation not electrolysis alone … your body produces hyperpigmentation if you are prone to developing this.
I do see the scabs, but the surrounding “goose flesh” does not look like anything that any modality could cause. Are these “bumps” your normal skin’s appearance? I’m having a hard time locating this area. You say upper lip, but I can’t located the area.
The goose flesh is how my skin normally looks, has always been like that and was not caused by the electrolysis. This is my upper lip. And I’m just concerned with how large the scabs are, I have gone to another electrologist previously who did thermolysis and I would only have the tiniest little scabs where the hair came out, barely noticeable
Okay I see. The scabs are a tiny bit large, but they will not cause any difficulty for you. No problem … it’s okay.
Thank you for your reassurance, it means a lot! Do you know approximately how long it will take for it to heal?
You’ll see nothing in less than 3-weeks. However, the healing will continue on for a few months.