Did Electrolysis works on male facial hair?

Im male, 21 years old
I want to know if when there is transexual male to female that do electrolysis to get rid of their beard it work for them ? and if the hormones that they take in have part in it ?
because I went to a electrolysis appointment today and the technian told me that she also tried it on males and it not succeed so she want to be honest with me and to tell me it not going to work. (I not mean even to remove the beard, just the upper cheeks hair that they black but not that strong as the beard are).
anyway I told her about the examples that I read on reddit forums of the mtf (male to female) and she told me it because the hormones that they take.
what you think, its true ?
and if not, the hairs from the picture treatable with electrolysis?


BTW - Im not consider laser cause I already did it and it increase the number of my hairs and leave me with hypo pigmentation.


This is absolutely false. As a practicing electrologist, I have removed beards (trans women) and reshaped many male beards, Some biological women have beards as bad as most biological men and I include them in this challenging group. It requires special skill and in my opinion, special features on electrolysis equipment to do this in a timely fashion.

I think this electrologist just hasn’t mastered the challenge of treating male facial hair and perhaps doesn’t want to admit that. This isn’t easy peasy stuff, but it will work as long as the hair slides out without resistance, using the biggest probe possible, with the proper energy level.

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First, as to whether it is possible to remove male beard, well I’ll let some pictures do the talking:


These 2 pictures are of the same person ( Me!) and the second one was taken less than a year into doing DIY electrolysis. So you tell me, is it possible??

Moreover, in my experience as an electrologist, changes in hormones from HRT have pretty much no effect on growing beard hairs. They still grow just as coursely, and as deeply, as they ever did.
Dee is correct that this is not an easy task. But it’s a task I take on every single day in my practise, and I have yet to find the magical “Beard that cant be removed” .

A lot of the advice and knowledge you see on asktransgender on reddit came from your truly. I’m very proud of that.

Dont listen to the hogwash from the practitioner who didnt know how to do it. Actually, this is a really common fluff when someone just doesnt want to take on the job. Now that you know it is VERY possible to accomplish , just move on and find an electrologist who WILL do the job.You’ll know them when you find them.



I am the owner of this forum and a trans woman. I had facial electrolysis in 1995 over the course of a couple of years. I have not had a facial hair removal procedure of any kind in over 20 years.

Taking androgen blockers can make treatment go faster for some, but it is possible to remove all facial hair by electrolysis without hormones or transition. Many non-transgender people have done so.


The take-away should be that that person you saw either doesn’t want to do the work, or doesn’t know how to do the work you need to have done.

I have cleared the beard of a male with a testosterone imbalance who refused to take any medications for the issue. I was literally removing hairs from every follicle of the face for years, even as the body was recruiting new follicles. I told him that in his case, it would be a challenge and really expensive and time consuming. He was committed, and diligent and for his efforts, he is hair free to this day. We started our work in 2001 and he has been hair free since about 2007 When we started, he had plus or minus 1,000 hairs per square inch and was shaving 4 times every day! If he can be cleared, you can be cleared. You just need to find someone who can do the job.