Im male, 21 years old
I want to know if when there is transexual male to female that do electrolysis to get rid of their beard it work for them ? and if the hormones that they take in have part in it ?
because I went to a electrolysis appointment today and the technian told me that she also tried it on males and it not succeed so she want to be honest with me and to tell me it not going to work. (I not mean even to remove the beard, just the upper cheeks hair that they black but not that strong as the beard are).
anyway I told her about the examples that I read on reddit forums of the mtf (male to female) and she told me it because the hormones that they take.
what you think, its true ?
and if not, the hairs from the picture treatable with electrolysis?
BTW - Im not consider laser cause I already did it and it increase the number of my hairs and leave me with hypo pigmentation.