I’m new, and reading a lot, and I have a few questions.
I’ve read the skin types in L.A. Girl’s FAQ, and I’m not sure what I am.
When I was younger, I would’ve sounded like a Type V. I’m white (British/Euro ancestry), but I tanned extremely easily, rarely burned, and retained tan for a long time. Five years ago, I was advised I already had skin damage, so I now wear sunscreen religiously. I’m now so pale it’s a challenge to find a foundation color I can wear, and I have no idea how easily I’d burn if I allowed my skin exposure to the sun now.
A few years ago, I had LHR on my face with a GentleMAX, and the results were great. But since it’s both Yag and Alexandrite, and I don’t know which settings she used, that doesn’t tell me anything either.
My body hair is dark brown to black, and I would say medium-fine to coarse, and my skin is pale. Which laser should I go for? The place I went to for the GentleMAX is really expensive (half legs=$600), and I’d like to get LHR on a lot of my body, so I’m trying to find the best bargain that will actually give me a worthwhile result.
Thanks in advance for your advice!