Dermol wash


Has anyone had any experience using dermol wash as an aftercare, please.
So far I’ve been using tea tree oil and aloe vera but my skin seems to need more help. Its dry and flake, in some places red.
I’m receiving electrolysis treatment on my face.
I’ve come across dermol wash while suffering from dermatitis on my hands in the past.
Here are some pictures of the box with ingredients list so maybe someone with more knowledge would be able to help me.
Thank you for reading.

I’d say find out what’s causing the dermatitis first. Dermatitis doesn’t “just happen.” Dermatitis isn’t a cause; it’s an effect. And then, why are you using any product after your electrolysis treatment? A product should be used for specific reasons … not just “because.”

Hi Bono,

Thank you for replying.

My dermatitis is caused by hormones imbalance.
I’ve been thinking of using dermol wash on my face after electrolysis because I can’t use any other soap. Dermol wash is antimicrobial and moisturiser. At the moment skin on my face is very dry, I’ve been thinking dermol wash might help keep the skin clean and at the same time moisturise… but I’m not sure if it’s safe to use it on the skin treated by electrolysis. Is it going clog the pores and cause more trouble? :thinking:

Hi FatFace
Well, the pores won’t get clogged. I suppose I’d say give it a try and you’ll see if it works for you. That’s what I’d do, anyway.

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Thank you, :blush:

May I please ask if its okay taking tetracycline while receiving electrolysis on face?

I would ask your physician, however from my experience … no problems at all!