Deep ingrown hairs (over a year old)

I’ve got some very deep ingrown hairs on my tummy that I really hate. Some I can barely see the little dots of black hair and others I can see a long hair under my skin.

I’m pregnant right now, and my doctor wants me to wait, but do you think an electrologist could remove these ingrowns?

Or is that even possible?

I told my dermatologist about it, and she said that she could pick it out, but it would be expensive, and might leave a scar.

Someone please let me know what my options are to get rid of these. I really hate them!

I assure you that an electrolysis provider would be able to help you with this, and it will cost exponentially less than the doctor, and will most likely be less invasive, and much less damaging to your skin than what the doctor planned to do.

You could also buy or mix up some tend skin type product and use that to bring these up to the surface. I think you will find instructions for making some at home if you search the word “Homebrew” or “Home Brew” Essentially, it is just alcohol and aspirin.