Deciding to pay for the real thing

Okay, the overwhelming consensus seems to be that only laser and electrolysis actually get permanent results, and I don’t have the money for laser, so I’m thinking I’ll do electrolysis in small sections that I can afford. The first section will be neck, adam’s apple and down to the shoulders. So if anyone has experience in this, please pass along info.

Firstly, how should I go about choosing an electrolysist? Should I ask a dermatologist? What questions should I ask? What criteria should I use to judge? I don’t care about the pain at all and I don’t care about any redness so long as it isn’t permanent. I just want the hair removal permanent.

Also, about how many sessions will be required? There isn’t all that much hair there, at least in this first section, it can probably all be done in one session of maybe an hour. How many times will I have to go back, ballpark? When they say “permanent” does that literally mean permanent, or does that mean I’ll have to go back a few times a year?

Sure, cost is an issue, but I certainly don’t mind paying a little more for QUALIFIED experts that will actually get permanent results.

So, if anyone has any advice for someone planning to pursue professional treatment, please let me know.


I am glad you realizt that permanent removal is the only way. If I were you I would start with my underarms. In that area a bad Electrologist can’t do much harm;and it will give you confidence in using that person in areas that are more visible.

After reading a lot of people’s posts, I see a lot of people have trouble with permanent reduction and removal, which is really discouraging. Before I pay for any treatment, how likely is it that I can actually permanently remove hair? I figured people are more likely to post if they are unsuccessful, so there are probably some people with success stories that just don’t post. Anyway, I was hoping someone would know some general stats so I know if this is worth it at all. I don’t mind multiple visits, so long as they are at least a few weeks apart and they become fewer and farther between over the following months, and I don’t mind paying a little extra for quality, but if the hair will all grow back in a year it’s probably not worth it from a budgetary standpoint. So, what is the general success rate, does anyone know? I’m sure it varies person to person, but just to get some idea…Also, does anyone know the success rate of electrolysis vs. success rate of laser? I don’t really have money for laser now, but if it has a higher success rate I’ll just wait.

Anyone care to comment? Thanks.

Count on multiple, multiple visits. Count on this taking a while. At least a year, maybe 18 months, depending on your hair.

I think nearly everyone who posts here is in the middle of treatment—less than a year. They are frustrated and it can get frustrating, but you really do have to hang in. There are people here who have had successful treatment or are nearly done. (I’m nearly done, been at it for 15 months. I started out doing a minimum of 1 hour/week on upper lip and chin. Over time treatments got shorter and less often. I’m now doing 5 mins every two weeks on that area, but every now and then I get a big growth spurt and need a full 15 mins. None of the hair that grows back is thick or dark or coarse, like when I started.)

The best way to find qualified people is through referrals. Where do you live? Do a search in the box above for your town. Search also in the referrals board on this website.

Also, definitely go to more than one electrologist before deciding on The One. You’ll get a sense of what each one is like, what feelings/reactions are “normal” for you, what feels wrong. And post what happens here and we’ll tell you if you’ve found a good person or not.

As far as success rates, hairtell’s sister site, says this:

The vast majority of patients experience permanent removal of treated hair over the course of treatment, but published studies have observed that between 7% and 10% of consumers did not have satisfactory results.

For questions to ask an electrologist:

You should check out that whole site for even more info.



I have had my face done with laser first, and now electrolysis. I am up to 86 hours of electrolysis and
had 9-10 laser sessions before that.

The laser resulted in some hair reduction, but I needed total removal on my face.

I would consider the treatments successful in that most of my face is clear, no beard shadow and the amount of regrowth I have is now much reduced and scattered.

I am getting laser done on my arms right now however, since there I am going for reduction rather than 100 percent removal. Laser works best for dark hair on light skin.

If you get electrolysis, you need to go on a regular schedule, and if possible get total clearance of the area
in question. Then if you follow the recommended interval you should be able to get the regrowths in the proper phase to kill them permanently.

You should go for electrolysis for at least a one hour session. Depending on the area you may need more than one hour to clear it.

You did not say what area you were trying to clear? Faces can be stubborn.


I’m trying to clear neck first, just above adam’s apple and just below hair line in back, down to top of the chest and back (including shoulders but not beard). I’m male, early 20s, if that helps. I want to look hair free like yesterday but I also don’t want to drag out the treatment. I was thinking ‘blend’ method. Does that sound alright? Sorry for not being clearer, I’m new at this posting stuff.

Thanks a lot for the advice.

Blend would be fine. It is a a slower method, but would be effective. Time wise, if you have a lot of hair, finding a skilled electrologist that uses a quality microflash (thermolysis) epilator would be a better choice, in my opinion. You want to get to that first clearance as soon as possible.


As the previous poster noted Blend would definitely be a slower process, and thermolysis can remove much more hairs in a given time.

I found the neck area to be extremely painfull for me.
That and the jawline were also very sensitive. Just under the nose will surely bring tears to your eyes.


Personally, I prefer blend for my face, because I think it’s safer, more gentle, and causes less reactions.

However, I’ve been having a lot of thermolysis work on my neck, and I can endorse that you will get a lot of area covered each visit.
You might need to zap each hair more than once, but you will get good results eventually.

With thermolysis, the shorter the duration of each zap, the closer the probe needs to be to the hair’s root in order to kill it. If you have a good practitioner, they will get a much better kill rate, so you’ll get cleared quicker.

Micro-flash is a type of thermolysis that uses very high energy levels for a very short period. Modern machines are computerised, which allow very accurate sub-second bolts of energy. But to get full advantage of this you need to find a practitioner with very good aim.

Okay, sounds like thermolysis is the way to go. I would be nice to get that first clearance as soon as possible. I guess so long as I’m going back at least once a week anyway, I might as well get maximum clearance per trip.

Also, ever places huge importance on finding a good practitioner. I was planning on looking up the major players in my city, getting my free consult of course, but I figured I would start by looking up those with the most years of experience. Is this a good way to go? Any recommendations?



You should also make sure they have a half decent machine.
Also a comfortable setting is probably important. How comfortable you are with them and vice versa is worth considering.

Yes, experience is good as long as they are not so old that they have the shakes.


You don’t say where you live, but be aware that thermolysis practioners are mostly found in the eastern half of the US. The western half seems to produce more blend people. Australia seems to have no thermolysis people at all, only galvanic. And the experience of the UK posters here finding thermolysis seems mixed.

Being in business a long time isn’t always the best marker. People could be in business long but not be as effective. They also might not have the newest computerized machines (James says Apilus and Silhouet-Tone are the best). The computerized machines have the most versatility and precision. They can deliver only as much energy as needed, sparing your skin. Lastly, like Alicia says, you want someone you like because you two will be spending LOTS of time together. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

–susie <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
(p.s. damn, i’ve learned a lot on this site. thanks, everyone!)

You are welcome, and Thank YOU for sticking around and helping out, even after you found the answers you were looking for.