Dark hair all over my body Please help!

Hi I’m a 15 year old girl and I have a LOT of body hair. Much more than other people my age. Recently it’s been affecting my self esteem bad but obviously I can’t do much about it since I’m too young to get laser hair removal.
Sorry I’m not sure if the photo will work

I have light dark hair like that all over my body, on my tummy, back and even breasts. I also have much more thicker hair on my arms that goes up to my fingers- I can’t understand why either because no other woman in my family is hairy like me I’m fully white British. Naturally I put it down to the changes in my hormones because of my age. I really want to go and see someone about it but everytime I talk to my mom about seeing a specialist she brushes me off. Something to mention aswell is that I have really bad skin I have seen people on here say it could be linked?

Please help me! What should I do? When I become an adult would the best bet be to go and get it removed? I’m really scared I’m going to grow a beard.

There’s so much more information we’d need to tell you anything.I’ve had 15 year old clients. Your age isnt a problem. It’s a LOT of work and expensive to do with electrolysis but the hair destroyed last a lifetime.Laser might be an option, but certain skin tones can see accelerated growth so a test patch is always a good idea.

Gril, try not to stress. If you posted that pic of your face on reddit they would all tell you that the hair is normal. I am in my late twenites and I am gonig through something similar. My body hair and some of my facial hair has increased significatly compared to when I was younger. It could be hormonal, but sometimes its not. It’s just how we were born and genetics. Maybe somewhere down your bloodline someone had more hair. My mom is blonde and has like no body hair, but me on the other hand, I have so much. I posted a picture similar to yours of my face on reddit and over sixty people replied telling me its normal. Listen, your friends and other girls your age may not have as much hair and I totally get why its so easy to compare your hair to theirs but try not to. I do it myself with my friends, but to my surpise they were growing hair in other places that I just couldn’t see and were insecure about it as well. Some people are lucky and just don’t have as much hair but in the meantime try to embrace it. It looks way worse to you than other people I promise. I am literally going through the same thing just at an older age and I get the struggle and impact on your self-esteem. I truly do. I just started laser hair removal and electrolysis for my legs, arms, bikini, breatsts, and chest. IF removing it is something you really want to do, start a savings account. Put aside some birthday and christmas money and get one area that bugs you the most at a time. But for the meantime, be kind to yourself and try not to self-obsesses otherwrise. If you think its hormonal stressing about it will only make it worse. Hormonal tests such as blood work are also generally unreliable but you can try drinking spearmint tea. Google it for hormonal imblance. Its supposed to help skin issues too, which I also have. I hope this helps.