Hi, does anybody have any tips for me I have a little bit of adult acne, not much just here and there before my period. since I got started with tea tree oil after treatment I had much better results with the little “white-head” problem where the hair folicle was, but now I am having some cystic painful bumps happen a few days after treatment ??
Just for the heck of it I took an antibiotic that was left over from a sinus thing and WHAMO those bumps went WAY down they are not gone, but they don’t hurt anymore. I think I’ll take another one tonight and see what happens. Does anybody think I might benefit from getting an RX for Minocyclin or some commonly prescribed acne antibiotic ??
I would love to NOT do an antibiotic, but I can’t go on with these cysts. I am getting 4 to 5 hours of electolysis a week and I have 6 cysts currently. Something has got to give. Oh by the way this is only happening on my chin, not my upper lip or my neck. I am getting rid of long fine fuzz not too many dark coarse hairs, but the fuzz I am talking about is like a half inch long so it’s GOTTA GO !!!