Curly hair patient seeking electrolysis, what MUSt I know beforehand?

Hello, I am Persian with light fair skin, and very dark hair. My hair is curly, and so my hair follicles also are curly. I am planning to get electrolysis done on my face, chin, and neck area because it was stimulated with laser … inducing paradoxical growth.

I know that curly follicles are not ideal. What can I look out for in my electrologist, and what should I do or know for myself in order to get the best outcome possible … eliminate hair, and protect my skin?

I am soon going for consultations with multiple different electrologists for consultations to do “patch test” areas and see how I feel with them.

anything is appreciated! Thanks

relax . Breath easy, Getting the best possible outcome is not something you can “look out for” with a new electrologist. By all means expect cleanliness and infection control routines, but trust me, your electrologist will have treated curved hair follicles before ( this is not at all uncommon amid several different ethnicities) and that in and of itself should not cause an issue during treatment.

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Ditto to what Seana said here … and also getting a few consultations and a patch test is a great idea.

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ok that makes sense, thank you! Trying to be calm after this laser reaction, it is causing me to have paranoia now in everything I do.

I had a similar experience with laser hair removal and ended up with paradoxical growth, so I switched to electrolysis too. When looking for an electrologist, make sure they have experience with curly hair follicles like ours. During consultations, pay attention to their approach and how comfortable you feel with them.