contemplating electrolysis for the rest of my life

I was wondering if anyone out there has the problem that I have: I am getting hairier as I get older,so even though electrolysis is killing hair roots successfully, more hair is growing everywhere on my face and I basically have to have monthly electrolysis sessions to keep things in check. I’m almost 50 years old, so I’m approaching menopause and my face is all peachfuzzy. Some of the hairs on my chin and neck are really long and fine and not too dark, but noticeable nonetheless if I don’t deal with them.
Am I doomed to have electrolysis for the rest of my life? Right now, I’m having work done on the area just below my lower lip. That hair started to grow sometime within the past 5 years and it’s now gotten noticeable enough that I’m self conscious.

My comment would be that electrolysis can be a finite experience for those who have well defined hairy areas alongside hairless areas, but for women like me who have lots of peachfuzz on their cheeks, chin and neck, there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

I am amazed at how a question like yours gets ignored on here, when some people have all the time in the world to split hairs over the esoteric.

You would have to do one of two things, either get whatever is causing continuous follicle recruitment in check, and clear out all the offending hair, OR get caught up on the growth cycle, such that you would only need hair removal once a month or once every 3 months.

Obviously, it is best to get whatever biological issues under control, as you will have less time needed in the electrolysis treatment room and more time enjoying hair free and carefree skin.

Fuzzy, I have the same problem, only my hair is coarse terminal hair. (I’m African American). I had my hormone levels checked thinking I had PCOS. I don’t, thank goodness, but my testosterone levels are elevated. I took a pass on spironolactone as I don’t like the side effects. I’m thinking about getting pregnant again, and they’ll only let you take it if you get on hormonal birth control. I’ll be 42 this year, and I’ve had major problems ovulating after being on the pill. So, I’m trying saw palmetto. Its not terribly expensive and I figure if it can lower a man’s testosterone levels, surely it can lower mine. I’ve been on it for about a month and haven’t really seen anything, but it can take up to three months to show results. Check with your doctor, maybe there’s something they can do for your hormones.

actually, I answered this before I believe. Weird, I think the post disappeared. I think Andrea was having some issues with the server a few days ago and other threads doing that…maybe that’s why.

I guess I’ll repeat. Have you had your hormonal levels checked by a good endocrinologist? There is medication to control these types of issues, which would control the NEW hair growth. Have you explored this yet?

One of the things that I really believe in is taking care of any medical issues prior to beginning electrolysis. To me, treating a client with uncontrolled hair stimulation problems is a waste of their money. I have told some new, potential clients that I would work on them - if they really wanted me to - but I would prefer that they seek professional medical help to stabilize any problem conditions prior to beginning electrolysis.

I know what I was going through prior to starting on antiandrogens. While I was having some results, it would have been a much more extensive and costly problem to deal with.

Now when I have an area cleared, I have much less in the way of regrowth. This is very pleasing to both myself and my electrologist.

From what you describe, I would concur with James (an excellent source of information and experience) and suggest that you seek out an endrocrinologist to see what can be done. This will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.



Thank you to all of you who responded.

I have never had my hormone levels checked, because I’ve always thought that my problem was hereditary: My mother who passed away in her 50s had the same problem. She solved it by continuously plucking, a solution she told me to avoid because she was forever spending time in front of a magnifying mirror. I also met one of her cousins once who had the same problem and had taken to shaving.
When I said I had fuzz all over my face, I really meant on my cheeks, chin, neck, i.e. the usual areas. After reading some of the threads on this most excellent wbsite, I’m realizing that I may be able to get all of this taken care of by a COMPETENT electrolygist.
My past experiences with electrolysis have been that I keep on making 15 minute appointments every month because there’s always been more hair on my face to remove. The cycle I have felt myself trapped in was that I would be doing this forever, much like getting my hair cut regularly, getting my teeth cleaned etc. I’m now realizing that I may have to have
longer sessions for a while, closer together and get all this fuzz taken off once and for all so that it doesn’t get to the stage where the hair is long and dark.
James, is this what you would suggest?
Again, thanks very much for everyone’s comments. It is so nice to have found a forum to ask these types of questions.

Fifteen minutes a month! No wonder you are disillusioned. Good thing you read this forum as it has helped you understand how proper electrolysis on a proper schedule can set you up for success. Is that the time schedule your electrologist put you on or was it self-imposed?


I see an eletrologist an hour a week. You know, I just make it part of my routine. I no longer even think about it. 15 minutes a month, I think you need a more agressive clearing schedule.


If you can’t take Spironolactone because of the side effect (I couldn’t, either) there are other things you can do to suppress testosterone. Estrogen and natural progesterone can do wonders in this area, as can Proscar or Propecia (which, so far as I can tell, have zero side effects.) If you’re 52, you might be at a time when you’d be considering HRT anyway. The new, bio-identical patches (I use Vivelle Dot) and natural progesterone (I take Prometrium) seem to be safer and have less side effects than the old Premarin/Provera combination did.

Until you get your testosterone levels down, you’ll probably have more and more problems with unwanted hair. I suggest seeing an endocrinologist for a second opinion.

I agree that a client on such a limited treatment schedule should have very few hairs to treat. It could be that if the electrologist is trying to cover too much territory in such a short time span that none of your hairs are being sufficiently treated. This could be one of the reasons you are seeing so much regrowth.

Read “The Diet Cure” and maybe “The Mood Cure” by Julia Ross. You will find out lots about things in your daily life that could be causing this. Wouldn’t it be great if you could stop new hair growth without becoming dependent on a daily dose of drugs?