Hi Still,
Another user, peace1 had exactly the same predicament. Because she was more like a Type III, the tech (same one) used the LightSheer.
They were not willing to change to the YAG for her either when she asked them to as a result of the feedback she got here, which was that the settings were too low.
Here is her thread: http://www.hairtell.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/73194/Searchpage/1/Main/11792/Words/peace1/Search/true/Re_My_Laser_Journey_Starting_2.html#Post73194
She was treated at the same pulse width as you but lower joules.
It would be interesting to know what sort of regrowth peace1 now has on those areas.
Another thing is that I know that this clinic always starts off with more conservative settings at the beginning where there is an abundance of thicker hair. But they do increase the settings by a good amount each time if your skin can handle them. So even though the first treatment may be borderline what is recommended here, by the time of your third treatment, they should be using much more aggressive settings.
This tech seems to have a lot of experience and I quizzed her about her use of the LightSheer a while ago. She said she found it no more difficult to use than the Apogee and missed patches weren’t any more frequent.
Other than that, I’m satisfied with the way my treatments have gone. My sister, cousin and two friends also currently have treatments here. All with the same tech and using the Nd:Yag. One friend had facial treatment previously at the Royal Free Private Clinic but now actively recommends Renew over them (perhaps because they are cheaper?). The other friend has been satisfied with their customer service - the other day she started her period on the same day as her appointment and was having a lot of pain, so the tech in question allowed her to postpone it until next week without any charge.