Hey all,
As mentioned on my previous thread, I’m a bit concerned about the slight plucking sensation I feel during my electrolysis sessions. I’m worried that if it’s not normal, I may not be getting effective treatments. When I asked my electrologist about it, she said that the bulb of the follicle is large so she has to tug to get it out…but as we continue through rounds and the hair gets finer, it’ll slide out much smoother.
I was able to make a video during one of my treatments to get some input from Hairtell’s seasoned electrologists. Please help! Any feedback would be appreciated.
[Electrolysis Session - YouTube](http://youtu.be/PkmODjka17o)
Play close attention to the 1:00 mark through the end especially, you can see the resistance a bit more clearly. I apologize for the quality of the video, sometimes I fiddle with my phone during treatments to distract myself and this time I made a video to show you all (she didn’t really know). Wasn’t really able to get much closer
I’m at about my 4th treatment (all 1.5 hours each) and we haven’t had a full clearance yet. I have a few concerns and would GREATLY appreciate if you guys could address answering them… I’m starting to get really worried about a few of these.
As a refresher, here’s where i started…(thanks to stimulated growth from laser )
The following day after my treatment, I have scabs all over the treated area. They fall off in about 5 days, but is it normal to always get scabs? Could this be a sign of the current being too strong? My electrologist uses an older Hinkel machine and has never really adjusted the temp. What we started with is what we’ve continued on.
Even though the scabs fall off, I’m left with some dark spots under the skin. I’m generally prone to hyperpigmentation and worried if these will go away. My electro said that a few months after it’s all over, theyll begin to disappear. She told me not to put any hydroquinone or anything on it because she doesn’t know how my skin will react to the chemicals, but in all her experience the spots have gone away on their own. Is that accurate? (please see the picture of the sides of my chin and the dark pigmentation under the skin in the treated area).
I’m really worried about getting rid of all the hair (fingers crossed!) but being left with spotted skin. It’s like I can never win :-/
Are the scabs bigger/deeper with coarse hair? Once the hair becomes finer, will I not have to deal with it as much?
My electro uses a gold ballet probe and reuses them for future treatments (she keeps each clients probes in a separate container). I can have her use a new probe everytime, I’d just have to pay a little extra for it. I don’t mind paying extra if it’ll make a difference, but she seems to think reusing the probe is perfectly fine. I asked her if she sanitizes it between uses and she said she does. Any thoughts?
Is this much irritation normal? The chin area was treated on 10/2 and the neck area treated 10/8. Will it start looking better? Should I start exfoliating the chin area? Really appreciate any guidance, Im terrified of ruining my skin.
Thanks for reading this far. I know it’s a long post but I really hope the video helps me get some answers. Thank you all for your time, it’s so reassuring having you all!!!