Concerned after 1st treatment

I was treated 2 weeks ago with the Candela Gentlelase on my back, shoulders, chest and abs.

My back was largely OK but she seemed to miss a few spots on my chest and my left shoulder. I went back in today for a touch up and asked her was power she put it on. She said she increased it from a 8 to 12…Does anyone know what this means? Should I be concerned that a few spots were missed or is this normal?

Sounds pretty low on the power side of things. Did it hurt? Did you see any redness around each follicle after treatment? Are there any pepperspots (hair stuck in the follicle)? Did you see any hairs “flying” out of the follicle during treatment? Too low of fluences will do nothing. Some say it can induce more hair to grow. I would be concerned if she was treating you with only 8-12 joules. I would think you would have felt pretty comfortable sensation-wise. If you see no shedding in 1-3 weeks, I would tender a complaint and ask for a re-treat.