Hello everyone,
I’m an MtF transsexual, and I have been in the process of having my facial hair removed for well over two and a half years. I’m a very very pale blonde, with type IV being a possibility, except I don’t have the dark hair of course.
I first tried the alexandrite laser, and it was worthless for me. nearly $2,000 of treatments and $300 worth of Meladyne later, I realized they were scamming me and I never went back.
I started going to an electrolysist who used thermal as the method. She started slow and I seriously did not notice any difference after 30 hours of electrolysis on the left side of my face, near the jawbone.
I’ve read a bit about the Aurora and the Comet, and I was very excited about those. The prospect of not having to sit through hundreds of more hours with electrolysis was great, and the fact that there was someone using the Aurora in my area was even better.
I experienced shedding on my face, which was sweet, and the hair seemed to grow slower, which was odd. Nearly three weeks later, it seemed to start all over again, where the hair began to grow. In some places, especially up near my orbital bones, there used to be small white hairs that are gone now, and the hair around my jaw line seems much thinner. I’ve read that the Aurora has lower fluencies than the Comet, something like 25j rf and 25j light, while the Comet does 50j and 50j. I’m not sure if I should continue on with the Aurora, or see if I can find someone using the Comet in the Morgantown/Pittsburgh/Wheeling/Erie region. I’d probably be even more willing to go if it was proven that this would work, but so far I’m skeptical because, I don’t know…I just expected there to be more than one or two missing hairs after the first treatment. I think I’m being paranoid, especially after being ripped off by the last laser person, but…what do I do? Does anyone here know of anyone in the Eastern Ohio/Western PA area that uses the Syneron Comet?
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