I am curious about how many hours I will need on clearing my neck or before seeing drastic results. I have had about 36 hours on my whole face and the course hairs are mainly only on my neck and jawline. Laser induced hair. I have attached a file photo of my neck. Female, age 20, no hormone issues, no high levels of testosterone.
I am curious as to how many times has this area been cleared?
This is a great picture. One way to know you are seeing changes is to take this photograph every 2 to 4 months.
Yes, I take pictures like this very often, almost after every appointment. This area fully has been cleared maybe only 3 times total so far since we can’t get everything in one appointment. I come pretty regularly and stay on top of a schedule, therefore I am curious how many hours or clearances do you think I will need? I would like a rough estimate to give me an idea, otherwise I feel like nothing is happening. Based off of your clientele, how many hours would you say? I don’t want to feel ripped off and that my electrologist isn’t doing a 100% proper job, just because she wants me to keep coming. Rough estimate would be really nice, no one has given me any number yet.
Over what period of time (months) have your treatments been?
All this hair was laser induced!?
The neck and jawline were completely cleared of all coarse hairs three times?
It is difficult to say how much time it would take to clear and finished this area because all electrologists do not have the same strategy for removing hair. Some work slower than others. Some only offer 15-30 minute appointments, but most offer about an hour’s worth of work at max. We use different modalities, different probe sizes and brands, etc. So all this adds to the confusion consumers may feel when asking those “how long does it take” questions. One thing you can count on is, a professional, skilled electrologist will disable hair follicles forever.
For me, my strategy would be to convince you to give me three - five hours at one sitting to remove all those hairs so you could go home hair free. You will then be able to enjoy two to three weeks of smooth skin. Then, you would need to come back again in four weeks to get another full clearance ( invest the time and money to get those full clearances). We would stay on this schedule every four weeks, until there were signs that hair growth was less, indicating that things were slowing down. We would then stretch appointments to every 6-8 weeks until the end. For your case, the first six months are going to be the hardest. From month 6 to 12, you will know something good is happening. From months 12-18, you will realize that the end is near because hairs will be sporadic, mostly thinner and softer. People get too discouraged if the hair doesn’t come off fast. There is a way to strip the area quickly, but you have to find an electrologist that is willing to do this. It is hard work that requires good equipment and human determination on the part of both the client and the practitioner.
After a first, full clearance, you will be swollen and you may have some pinpoint scabs. All will be well in less than a week for most people. Some people may need two weeks. Some people hardly look like anything happened after three days.
Got to go! Good luck!
I started in July 2014. My electrologist is using blend, and her method is staying in the follicle for less time and removing more hairs. When I have the other slower electrologists work on me, my skin reacts terribly, but my main one does a good job I feel. Would you know of any great electrologists in the Seattle, Washington area? I am happy with my electrologist, I just don’t know if what she is doing is correct.
Neither do I, because shaved hair presents in a way that makes it difficult to know if it is regrowth from treated hairs or if these are still more stimulated hairs from the LHR. Do you ever feel tweezing or plucking when the hairs are being removed with the forceps? Also, how long since your very last LHR treatment?
I do hear noise from the forceps, as if she tugged on the hair but couldn’t grab it. I don’t know how to detect if she is tweezing the hairs. It has been almost 2 years now. I am noticing that the hairs on the neck are taking longer to poke out of the skin, so I am assuming slowing of growth means it’s working?
I understood that your electrolysis treatment commenced 6 months ago, if it is 2 years then this does not seem right. You should be finished or very close to by now, and have absolutely no strong hairs at all.
She stated above she started in July 2014, I think the 2 years was referring to 2 years since laser resulting in the stimulation.
I stated that it has been 2 years since the last time I had laser. I started Electrolysis on July 2014. What should I notice within a year? I don’t want the electrologists to keep changing how long it will take and say well it will take another 2 years. That would be devastating.
Laser is not to be blamed for electrolysis outcome since you stopped laser 2 years ago. All hair would long have grown in by now from laser.
How many complete clearances did you have since July? How long do you wait between each clearance? Do you shave or trim treatment hair between sessions and how soon do you shave before you go in for a treatment?
After 9 months of electrolysis treatment on facial hairs performed correctly,all remaining hairs should be really fine as well as greatly reduced in numbers. At this stage all of the different cycles of hairs have been treated at least once. Even after 6 months of good treatments,it is unusual for for a client to still question the effectiveness of their treatment. I see a photograph of how it appears at the 6 month stage, but have no idea how it appeared when you first began electrolysis treatment. Have you got any photographs from that time?