I just got my Clean and Easy Deluxe in the mail yesterday, and everything went fantastic with my trial run (thanks to lurking around here and researching beforehand) - my only annoyance comes from the beeper on the unit. I can easily tell when the current is connected properly from the tingling, ooze and the fact the the hair slides out easily afterwards, so I really don’t need and REALLY don’t want the buzzer to sound. Wrapping it in towels muffles it a little, but it’s still so high pitched! Does anyone know how I can disable it?
If you or someone you know are electronically inclined, you can disconnect the buzzer so that it doesn’t sound.
You don’t want to open this unit if you are not able to do this operation without breaking the unit.
If you have the patience to use this toy, you should consider upgrading to a used professional unit. An old one on Ebay can be had for $100 to $500, and if you get an auto-sensor unit, you will really be ahead of the game.
Thanks for the reply. I’ll have my friend’s dad give it a look to see if anything can be done. He rewired our laundry room, so hopefully this won’t be too much of a challenge for him!
I got the clean and easy as a trial run to see if home electro works for me (I had high hopes since my skin/hair type is prefect for hair removal and I’m super patient and love yanking out hairs!), so if I don’t have any regrowth, I’ll probably stick with the 30 dollar unit until it breaks or gets too tedious, then I’ll look at upgrading. I’ve only used it for about 2 hours so far and I could tell I was getting exponentially faster at insertion, so we’ll see how it goes!
If your friend’s dad did your laundry room, he can handle this in 5 to 15 minutes, depending on how much of the insides fall out when he opens the box. While he has the thing opened, and is trying to get over laughing, he may even decide to tighten up the insides to help it to last you a little bit longer than usual. A little solder goes a long way.