Chest Hair Help

I’m going on a trip soon and am a little self consious about my chest hair. What would be the best way I can get rid of my chest hair for a period of only a week or two and have it return back to the way it was afterwards. (i.e. tapered and not thick ended, no thicker etc…) If I use products like Nair, would the hair grow back exactly the way it was before I did anything to it? And if I only did it for a week or two, would I reduce the risk or ingrown hair/acne etc…? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I would just like to be hair free for the trip without any changes or effects afterwards.

you can wax once. it won’t affect anything if you do it once and you’ll be smooth for up to 4 weeks. i always did that with my bikini and underarms before vacations before getting laser.

Thanks for the reply. So if I wax my chest, it will only grow back about 4 weeks after and will grow back exactly the same way than before I did it? (no blunt, thick ends etc…)

yes. it will be finer at first actually when it’s growing out and then it will become exactly the same. find a good place (clean salon etc) to do it to get the best result and you’ll be happy.

Perfect, thanks again! I forgot to ask one more thing…
Do you still run the risk of ingrown hairs or acne with waxing?


I would be very careful. If you’ve never had your chest waxed, you could break out - especially if your skin is sensitive.

However, I would recommend waxing as the best temporary method.

yes, that goes for everything, though i personally didn’t see either when waxing. it depends on your skin and whether they’re doing it properly…cleaning and disinfecting the area etc. you should also try to keep the area dry for a bit after. don’t sweat (work out etc) immediately following. let the skin heal.

I would probably do the deed 2 or so weeks before you go away, in case you DO get red dots, maybe they will clear up by then??

Everyone’s hair grows at different speeds in different areas of the body. So there is no guarantee how long it will last. But if you’re a guy, I don’t think you should be self conscious. I live in california and i see guys with chest hair all the time at the beaches.