certified electrologist+question

may i ask how can i find a good and certified electrologist? what should i keep in mind when i go there or ask them?

i want to make sure i go and get my money’s worth.

i noticed that some of the hair growing back when i pull on it, it comes out and it’s not even attached to the roots, or some of them come out easily. why is that?? some hair are still growing, so it takes a long time to even see the real results.

may i ask an approximation how many times will i have to zap before it’s permanently removed?

In 95% of the cases in my experience, only one zapping has been necessary. In other words when I clear an area say 2 inches in diameter … months later I only see 2 or 3 hairs return which I get rid of with the 2nd treatment.

Sounds to me as though you may not be doing something quite right. The important things are: inserting the probe deep enough; setting the current high enough to see some white liquid appear arount the hair where it exits the skin; making sure that you have a good path for the current (enough salt in the solution, etc.); finally making sure that the hair pulls out easily after zapping it (if it doesn’t give it a second zapping).

It should not be all that difficult to achieve effective results. I had excellent results with my first attempt - but of course I was leery of the effectiveness of home electrolysis so I used the highest setting on the OneTouch. Since then I have backed off to about half way on the dial.


i noticed that some of the hair growing back when i pull on it, it comes out and it’s not even attached to the roots, or some of them come out easily. why is that?? some hair are still growing, so it takes a long time to even see the real results.

may i ask an approximation how many times will i have to zap before it’s permanently removed?

I’ve had that happen also girlhair.

It’s like I know I killed the hair, yet the hair seems to break without much force being applied to it.

I can only assume that there was some damage to the shaft somehow. and it’s tinsil strength is weak.

I recently pulled an ingrown hair out from my arm and I swear the thing was 2 inches! :fearful:

Use of ingrown hair relief products like tend skin will leave your hair brittle and more likely to break when epilating. Just one more reason to finish the job as quickly as you can so that you don’t have to be bothered with the hassle.

[ January 25, 2004, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: James W. Walker VII, CPE ]