I just thought I would ask the professionals opinion to see if they have any insight into whats actually going on with me and my hair.
When I was 13 I developed upper lip hair, I began to pluck it or wax every month and it never got any worse. In fact it wasn’t actually that bad and only showed at the sides of my lip. However as I was young and dark haired I removed it.Does 13 sound especially young to develop upper lip hair?
This stayed the same until I was 21 and noticed under the lights in a bar toilet one night (you know the ones that shine down on your face) that I was kinda fluffly on my chin. The next day I waxed it and felt it looked smoother and my make up sat better with them off. I didnt really think much more of it, however over the next year or two the chin hairs became dark and thick. I decided to get them lasered and thats when the real trouble began. After 6 laser sessions spread out over a long period of time (so it was never going to work anyway) I had so much more hair. It extends down my neck and across my cheeks.
I went to the docs and all hormonal tests came back clear. I guess what im asking is what does this all sound like to you? Do you think I will always have a hair problem or do you think once I am finished my electro treatment I will be hair free? Im just thinking about the future thats all. My mum does not have any hair but my sister does. She has hair on her top lip which she waxes and about 6 or so on her chin. She is 10 yrs older than me and it has never changed.
Im into month 6 of electro and the hair is definatly responding so I will keep going untill hopefully im all done and I can move on with my life.
Another question I have for the pros is about my skin. You may have read on here before that I have searched high and low for a good electro. I am happy where I am now however I am noticing some changes. I still have 3 or 4 marks at the side of my mouth that havent gone from previous treatment with someone eles but I am hoping in time they will disappear.
What i am seeing now around the treated area is not pitting but its like tiny little holes, they look kinda red. I am thinking they are pigmented empty follcles or something like that…im guessing here by the way. I wouldnt go as far to describe it as orange peel skin but that kinda thing. In time does this tend to clear up?? If it doesnt then I can live with it its not that bad but I would like to know your thoughts?
Finally (and im sorry for such a long post) I was wondering if the pros could explain if there is any more complications once your finished electro in terms of skin damage as you age. One beatician said to me once (she wasnt an electrolysist though) "
“that when your skin is young it can cope with electrolysis but as you age it starts to go all holey and pitted”
Is this true or possible? If I do conquer the hair growth I would hate to think as I get older my skin will look horrible, im only 26.
Thanks so much for any advice you can give me, this site is so useful and it truely got me through 2009, I am determined that 2010 will be a better year.
bec xxx
I forgot to add, just in case its important to understand the causes of this, i do not have that much unusual body hair. My legs and everything are normal, dont really shave my thighs.
I get about 5 or 6 hairs around each nipple but i dont bother doing anything, they arent noticeable. I do however have hair round my belly button, its fine but dark, i dont do much to it, run the razor over it every now and again, you cant really feel it so it doesnt bother me that much.