As many of you know, I am a bit of a bleeding heart. Last year we helped an elderly lady with her house, supplies donated by my business, and people like you who donated money to buy them, and work donated by my clients, and friends of my clients.
Well, here comes Walker again asking if anyone out there is feeling generous this year.
I have a former client, who has been seriously wronged. The short version is that after a car accident, while away on vacation (during which, someone torched her house) her insurance company refused to pay out because the car loan was not hers. Of course, the truth is that the car loan was taken out when the client was still legally considered male, and now that the client is legally considered female, the insurance company is milking this as a last straw to attempt to avoid payment. Sure, my client can try to grind it out in the legal system, but in the mean time, it has been a year, and she still has no car, but has to pay a car note!
I have contacted my secret pixies, and we are ready to do it again. With your help, we will acquire a car, fix it up, and put this kind soul back on the road to at least being able to fend for herself again. The wheels are already in motion. We can just do this faster, and better with any little bit of help any of you are kind enough to offer.
thanks in advance to those who help, and may god bless you also, to those who bothered to read this, but don’t participate.
Anything you can spare would be great, and anyone who can find it within their hearts to donate something with 3 digits or more, will get a special thank you gift in return if they send me their return shipping information.
Donation link, click here and fill in donation amount and help us put a nice lady back on the road. (Copy this link if you want to send it to friends )
thanks again
(Pictures will follow the project, as before)