Can Laser resurfacing can repair/remove pitting scars & pigmentation issues from Beard electrolysis?

Hello, I wanted to come here and pose some question regarding how to cure pitting scars & pigmentation issues I’m having. First please forgive me for the poor quality photos. I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 & this is the best the camera can do

I’m an African-American male. I’m getting electrolysis done around my entire beard area (cheeks, neck, chin sideburns, upper/lower lip) the whole mouth. it’s been going great. So far the Electrolysis woman has got me up to about 50 hrs worth my beard hair is NOTICABLY lighter/less. We’ve used extra strength numbing cream (8% Lidocaine + 8% Tetracaine) and we’ve been working in 1-2 hr sessions (twice a week) for 4 months every week.

She’s cleared the cheeks, neck and chin area once. but the closer she went into lip area the more sensitive the reaction was so far i’ve been using aloe vera after each session but i recently transitioned to using neospoirin only.

the cheek/chin area near the mouth has been especially sensitive and requires being careful. On the left side she cleared it but she went ‘a-little’ too hard on the right side-lower cheek in an attempt to CLEAR the area and the photos you see is the result . the reaction was bad initially. I scabbed up 2 days after and the scab wouldn’t heal and go away. The scab dried up and got hard. the scab didn’t go away as usual no matter how much ALOE VERA i put on. I would shower and the scab would get moist fall/peel off and the skin under the scab was white color and still bleeding. this happened for 2 weeks straight.

I got worried and I eventually started using Neosporin. Almost OVERNIGHT it healed up quickly. Scabbing went away and this is the result. thankfully the scabs went away but as you can see there’s noticeable PITTING scars as a result. the photo doesn’t show this but around the PITTING scar the skin is PINK-ish and my natural brown color hasn’t come back its pink-ish and pitted.

and the issue is she only cleared that area once and there STILL more hairs to clear away from that area. She hasn’t touched this area in over a month. The new plan is to LEAVE THAT AREA ALONE and do every other area and save this area for last.

at the moment she’s clearing my cheeks/chin/neck/jaw-line & neck for the 2nd time. but i’m VERY concerned. about this area.

i’ve been reading about CO2 laser resurfacing to clear away pitting scars from electrolysis and to help deal with restoring pigmentation??? Does anyone have experience with that??

I know it’s mostly caucasian women here in these forums but i’m a 39 y/o black male and this is bugging. me The only positive from this is realize Aloe Vera is useless for me. Neosporin has been the thing that I put on AFTER each session. My left side lower cheek is fine. Only MINOR and Minimal Pitting but the right side is worrying me abit. pretty much my entire mouth/cheek, chin there’s notciable skin contrast from the electrolysis, almost as if the area where the hair was originally growing is darker from the electrolysis. there’s alot of contrast and darkened areas as a result of the electrolysis.

Can Laser Resurfacing help with getting this smoothed out and restoring my natural brown pigment???

Im unsure if laser would be of any benefit to you. However as you have only just started electrolysis (4 months in) I would say that your skin takes time to heal. I believe it will improve. Try not to let any scabbing fall away where you can. A good plan to ease off on that side for awhile.

Unfortunately CO2 or Erbium laser treatments are not possible on darker skin tones. Even using a full resurfacing laser will not give back the smoothness to the skin. It can improve but is never 100%, maybe 30 to 50% improvements at best.

wow. that’s a shame. so laser resurfacing is not really meant from brown SKIN tones??? that’s fascinating cause i know that black women get electrolysis on their beards and surely they do have issues with pitting. perhaps i need to do more research get more information

I work with darker skin tones all the time. For 12 years I had a laser/electrolysis/plastic surgery clinic where a full resurfacing was part of our treatments using a Erbium.
I know a lot of people disagree with me but using a 1064 nm yag laser for dark skin for hair removal works really well. We would then complete the finer hair and any Re growth with Electrolysis. Great results.
Using both technologies to compliment each other.