Can I wax or use an epilator before electrolysis?

I’m currently saving to start electrolysis but between my work schedule, school and sharing a car I won’t be able to start till about August. My question is can I wax and/or epilate the hair till then? One person I went to told me not to do either because my hairs are stuck under the skin. I have very dark hair. However shaving does nothing but give me bumps and stumbles. Would it effect electrolysis or make it a longer process if I wax or epilate till I can start treatment? Which one is better? Thank you!

Let’s say you are reading an important book. Probably the best suggestion is to read it cover-to-cover; not read a sentence here and there. If you try to absorb the information in little snippets, you won’t understand the whole story and you will probably forget the little “snippets” of information too. … “Cliff’s Notes” only go so far!

Some place you said you have been to three elecrologists? (Sorry if I got this wrong.) Your question above illustrates that you don’t understand the fundamentals of getting successful electrolysis … and, you might not have been listening to the electrologists that gave you a consultation, e.g., waxing and using an “epilator” are the same thing. Your question is “bedrock” of electrolysis.

You need to sit down with an intelligent electrologist and let her fully explain the physiology of WAXING and what that does to the skin and overall success of electrolysis. Asking this question here will give you more (quick) opinions and add to your confusion …

You need to look at photos and drawing of the skin and hair, with an explanation of “waxing,” and you can make up your own mind based on the facts.

Wow, that’s complicated.

I wont go into what I think epilating or waxing will do to your hair follicles, but I will say that electrolysis can only remove hairs that are visible to be removed. If you have waxed or used an epilator, those hairs may not be available.
