Can I never ever again see a face with RED hair??

So one of those people that kept asking to get work done but as yet hadnt made it, found their way to my door last night. I really hadnt thought of it becuse in general her hair is darker in most places on her head/body ( this is someone i know well and even dated briefly a couple years ago) but last night was the first time I ever got her close up and under a magnifying loop. I never even considered the hair color.

So two the other folks I help out with hhave light red hair. Sure enough, I got her under the magnifier and was greeted, by exactly the same thing. I have to tell you, this is my kryptonite. I have an immensely hard time with removing red hair. I just cant SEE it that well. It blends almost perfectly with the skin, and I have a hard time determining the pathfinder and getting the follicle location properly. I have to be honest, if I never again see another face with light red hair, it will still be too soon. To make it more fun, she is much younger than the other two, in her twenties and on hormones for most of her twenties ( I think about 4 years or so now) . Which means it’s THIN red hair as it hasnt had as much exposure to testosterone as the two others. I think I will have an easier time when I get to her cheeks which are a bit thicker, but on her chin, I have a definite challenge.I’m almost getting to the point, that if someone else comes to me and has this color, I’ll say go see Rainbowstars with her microscope.



It is mostly a matter of lighting. I usually try to get lighting from about 45° of the opposite direction falling in from in a rather flat angle and turn my head light small. But it remains hard. Especially to the eyes.

BTW, over long times hormones will affact hair growth, especially when people are young. Hairs will grow a bit more slowly and accordingly become somewhat thinner - happend even in my old face. In (really) rare cases it even almost stops. Good for passing but not always good for our work.

she doesnt have a ton, but she has plenty to remove. It’ll be fun


Yes, these are the hairs that cause our hearts to beat faster. Seana.

Use that light to your advantage like Beate said.

I never tried this, but one of my colleagues way back when suggested using black eye shadow (powder type) to help provide a contrast. Has anyone done this before? I know that Prestige Electrolysis sells something similar called a pore enhancer.

Proper magnification is the key to seeing difficult hair, along with a good light source, angled correctly.

A few have pondered using a temporary or semi-permanent hair dye ( something like manic panic) for this purpose. I cant see how the skin wouldnt adopt the same pigment though.

Light angle does seem to help. When working on myself sometimes I use two lights ( my loop and a secondary clamp -lamp) but I generally drop the second light for hard to see hairs, because the shadow provides some helpful guidance.
