Can I have electrolysis whilst on Accutane?

Hi, I have been having electrolysis for over a year now and I’m pretty happy with the results so far. A few months ago I started a course of Accutane (20 mg) for my oily skin so I stopped having electrolysis because it says not to in the information booklet.

Is it possible to have electrolysis whilst on accutane?

Is it true that there is a high risk of getting scarring?

Has anyone here tried getting electrolysis whilst on accutane? Was there any problems?

Thanks everyone! =)

Accutane causes the skin to be thinner, and may retard healing. This is the reason for the contraindication of electrolysis in the reading material.

Many people have successfully had electrolysis done while using Accutane. I would just question the use of the drug in the first place, when in most cases, the problem for which one is taking the accutane could be solved in a more positive way via diet, and supplementation.

Thanks for the info!

My family doctor suggested trying a similar method and I really am starting to agree. It’s a much safer way of clearing up the skin and more water plus more vitamin A can only be a good thing for the body. Thankfully I am only on a low dose and when I’m off accutane I will follow a diet plan with lots of vitamin A.

Thanks :slight_smile: