Hey all
I’ve been doing IPL treatments for about a year now on my beard. The results have turned out really well going from really thick dark hairs to light thin hairs.
My question is, if i start shaving will the hairs grow back thick again?
Hey all
I’ve been doing IPL treatments for about a year now on my beard. The results have turned out really well going from really thick dark hairs to light thin hairs.
My question is, if i start shaving will the hairs grow back thick again?
Shaving does nothing to the hair. It’s an old wive’s tale. Shave all you want.
Please post your story on the laser portion of the forum in the Success Stories thread. Thanks!
Shaving doesn’t ever make hairs worse. That’s a really old myth/ wive’s tale. Shaving is physically identical to cutting the hair, and it does not affect the root or follicle in ANY WAY AT ALL.
The only reason people used to mistakenly believe that shaving made hair worse, is because most people start shaving at puberty, which is exactly when hormones make your hair worse. So there was a myth that the hair growth was caused by the shaving. Since shaving causes a blunt tip on the hair instead of a pointed one, it can also cause a temporary optical illusion that the hair feels thicker or pricklier.
Shaving is the safest form of temporary hair removal. Waxing/plucking/threading can induce more growth, but shaving is physically unable to make hair worse.
thank you for the replies. I feel so much better now!