Can hairy women use same regimen as Transgered peo

I was just wondering… Males who want to become female usually take estrogen, spironolactone and finasteride to become feminized which also reduces body hair greatly. Would the same thign happen to a female who has lots of body hair if she took those medications?

You should read the threads on Spiro from women on the forum. There are several discussions by people such as CoffeeGal who are doing this. Generally, it should be prescribed by a doctor.

Yeah Evee, I’ve got a lot written about Spiro. As far as estrogen, I know a lot of women take birth control pills with Spiro and it really reduces the body hair a lot. I don’t have a problem with all-over body hair, and besides, contraceptives make me throw up.

As far as finasteride, I don’t know. Spiro alone works great for me, but I think I remember reading something about finasteride that I didn’t like. It is best to get prescriptions if at all possible. My problem is that most hormone doctors want to fix your insulin, treat PCOS, or they want to help you with fertility. I have no problem with those things, so they aren’t interested in anything else I’m concerned about. So I order without the prescript.

Check out the 2 or 3 Spiro threads. If you have a lot of body hair, I think you ought to get checked for PCOS. The metformin they would prescribe with the Spiro (and likely, estrogen) would help a great deal with body hair. You will, however, need to treat your face with electrology, since hair there can be quite stubborn.