Can anyone help me?


Registered: 09/19/11
Posts: 1
Ok I’m a 21 year old male and I have a bad unibrow problem… I have shaven it for 5 years or so and it’s getting to
Be a daily thing… So I tried electroylsis but don’t really have the time or money… My eyebrows are very thick and I have a lot of hair between my eyebrows… I tried plucking today… But it takes so long and is impossible to get all of the hairs… Would waxing be a good option? Would I have to let my hair grow out to get it waxed?

Any tips or
Advice would be apreciated … Thanks.

Waxing would be okay, but you should really invest in electrolysis. It is less expensive than waxing in the long run. It is not that expensive either. Where did you get that idea? We’re talking PERMANENT here within 9-18 months compared to a lifetime, PHM.

How often would you recommend going? Right now im paying 15 for 20 minutes… Is that about right? And is electrolysis 100% sure to work?

Should go every week? Right now with work and school I’ve gone 3 times in 2 months… Does that render it useless?

Personally, I would recommend that you get cleared in one appointment and then schedule again for subsequent clearings every four to six weeks. The first clearing shouldn’t take no more than an hour, but I haven’t seen a picture, so I am basing that on my worse case scenario. Doing the gabella (unibrow) is not a challenging task for a professional electrologist. The electrologist you see may recommend something else. Get as many consultations as you can so you can compare, speed, sensation, healing.

I have been 3 times all three consisted of 15-20 minutes of neediling, and then I’m done. What is clearing? I have A LOT of hair follicles… She said it’s defenitaly the healthiest hair she’s seen.

Is all of your betwwen your brows treated on each visit? Since starting to have electrolysis, have you tweezed any hairs?

Clearing means focusing in on the bothersome, noticeable hairs in an area and treating them individually with a thin, sterile, metal probe, not a needle. When you leave, you should look like you never grew hair there. The next group of hairs pop through in the weeks to come and you do the same thing over again, until you run out of follicles that are producing hairs that bother you.

I don’t think that’s what she’s doing… She just gets like 3 or 4 hairs I think… Like I said it’s only 15 minutes. Is she doing it wrong?

Sorry I keep asking all these questions but I’m very insecure about it and I’ve been dealing with it since I was 11-12 years old.

Should I look into a new electrologist? How much can I except to pay?

I don’t know why she does what she does. In general, electrologists have different strategies, but most use the strategy of clearing and waiting for the next, new group of hairs to arrive and then clearing that group…and so on until you run out of follicles to treat.

I would try several different electrologists to compare and then decide who you will give your business to. Cost depends on variables. I would guess that for the first clearing you would be paying under $60 to $70. Subsequently, each session after that would be the same, under the hourly amount that the electrologist charges. I would think going in every 4-6 weeks would give you satisfaction and then within 9-12 to 18 months, you will be a happy young man. You, as a a man, may need some quick cleanup sessions as you mature and then again , maybe not? Hair is mysterious. Just keep that concept in an open mind and relax.

This site is all about answering questions, so don’t feel the need to apologize. We all work in your behalf to educate you so YOU are FREE to decide which strategies and setups you like the best.
