Hello everyone, I just signed in on this forum. I’ve been checking it for a few weeks now and now I’m posting for the first time. I was pretty impressed on the amazing feedback posts have of people who actually seem to know what they’re talking about. So… for my question.
I recently bought Phillips Lumea. My intention is to use it in small places like feet(…) to keep it hair free. SO far so good, my feet are pratically hair free and I know they will keep that way IF I USE THE DEVICE FROM TIME TO TIME(2weeks).
I’m satisfied with the purchase and I know that it won’t get me hair free forever, however, I was wondering… If I use it on my legs for some time and stop the “treatment” will I experience some decreasing in the amount of hair? For decrease I mean finner hairs and less thickness. I really don’t want to be hair free on my legs, but a little reduction would be awesome. Imagine I do 4 treatments in the next two months and then stop for the summer. Will the hair grow exactly as it used to be?
Thank you all, and sorry if my english is bad. I hope you guys can help me