Can anyone advise me on laser hair removal please?

I had about 9 sessions of laser hair removal on my bikini area when I was 18 (3/4 years ago) with good results - I think the laser being used was the Apogee or Apogee Elite. About a year later I had some sessions on my stomach with no effect whatsoever because, as I realise now, my hair was much too fine in that area.

I really am quite ignorant about lasers and now that I’m looking into laser hair removal for my legs I could really do with some advice. The hair on my legs is quite dark and thick but obviously nowhere near as dark and thick as my bikini hair which makes me worried I might not get good results. I have very pale skin (probably type I although I don’t really react to the sun much) and my hair colour ranges from almost black on my head and bikini area to to medium/dark brown on my arms etc. And my hair is pretty noticeable - I am decidedly hairier than average.

It sounds as though I should use an Alexandrite laser from what I’ve read on these boards. Probably GentleLASE over Apogee? Also, sorry to be a pain, but can someone explain to me what fluence and wavelength and pulse width and all those things are, and what sort of settings I should be looking at to achieve good results?

Thank you so much for helping.

Thank you, that’s very helpful. I feel a bit more confident now. Going for test patch with GentleLASE on Wednesday…

I used lightsheer and my leg hair is less course than bikini. Have already seen massive improvement after 2 sessions. Hair is shedding and pepper spots. Go for it. I am having stomach area done but really fine hair and will expect 10% reduction. Would recommend electrolysis if that area bothers you.

Make sure to ask for settings used for the test patch at your consultations. You want to find a clinic that is aggressive with settings in order to get permanent results.

Most women’s lower leg hair is coarse enough. Most upper leg hair isn’t. Photos would help.

I had the test patch… the machine was a GentleMax with an 18mm head and the tech wouldn’t go above 14 joules. She said that she’d be reluctant to go above 16 joules for somebody of my skin type (I or II, apparently). Would 14/16 joules be enough? I was expecting much higher after what ihatebodyhair said! The test patch was slightly painful, but nowhere near as painful as I was prepared for.

If that’s truly your skin type, you should be able to go up to even 20J, which is max on 18mm. But 16J is decent too. I wouldn’t treat at anything under 14J on 18mm. You can ask her to do test spots at higher settings to see if that makes her more comfortable. It sounds like they’re not very experienced if they’re not willing to be more aggressive on someone this pale.

Also, GentleMAX has an adjustable pulse width, so if they’re that careful, they are probably not using the lowest 3ms which GentleLASE is fixed at.

I emailed the clinic, and they said they did use 3ms pulse width. It’s a tiny clinic with only two staff members, and this one tech (who actually wasn’t the one who did my test patch) does have plenty of experience - UK Clinical Nurse Specialist for Candela, trains people to use Apogee Elite and GentleMAX, used to be regional manager for a very well established line of clinics, has been in the business for 17 years etc etc.

She said they would actually increase the fluence for each treatment, providing there were no side effects. Still think they’d start at 14 though. If I had 6 treatments, wouldn’t that be ok though?

It’s ok, but there is no benefit to not starting high from the start. If your skin is light enough for higher settings, it’s in your best interest to attack the hair aggressively right away.

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