I am quite content with my decision to move my practice home. My clients like it better too. There is better accommodation for parking than my busy commercial space, less traffic, and less of them miss their appointments or are late because of this. I have disposed of at least one staff member , and now have no less than $6000 a month reduction in expenses. That’s money I now get to keep! Many of my co-electrologists in the industry supported me in this, most of whom have been doing so for 20 years or more . They put it like this: we work from home, always will , get to keep what we earn, and there’s free cookies too! Join us! You wont regret it! And I have not. A million financial stresses disappeared along with my commercial office with no loss in customers or business. In fact I gained more!
So I absolutely wholeheartedly agree with what you say, and I have zero inclination to ever put myself into that position again. It’s a hell of a feeling to walk into your bank with $10000 in cash you made this summer and which is YOURS…to KEEP… for your many hours and efforts and tell them to deposit it. Imagine what I can do with more than a summer/late spring?Employees/ apprentice? sorry but good ridence! $3000 in special needs child care? Nope! Not anymore! You could not possibly convince me to work for someone else, nor to open a commercial clinic again. Never!!! And they really do give us cookies!
Mike, Veronica is the woman I worked for 7 years ago, and left abruptly before opening my wellington Street Clinic. She’s always been threatened by my doing electrolysis in this city. I’m a strong competitor witha strong client base and the best reputation from my customers in the city. IT’s no surprise when she has no one else to blame because of her own poor interactions with her customers, that she would somehow reason I am somehow to blame, she doesnt have a history of acknowledging her own failures… That she sent not one but 2 threatening letters from her counsel, is not a surprise. But as she is president of COPE, sorry but no I wont have anything to do with the association. I dont need censorship, I can self censor and keep my ass out of the pool if I cant swim. There’s absolutely no love lost on this side. And it’s where my previous employee is now apparently. Goood. Cant wait to film the fireworks when it all blows up. i will be very amused.Never have there been 2 more mismatched noncompatible personalities.