Buttock electrolysis?

Hi guys,

Firstly, sorry for the TMI! So I’m about to have LHR on the dark/coarse hairs on my body, but unfortunately being Middle Eastern and all means I am hairy all over and some of these hairs can’t be lasered (the fine ones). So I will have to do electrolysis on these areas as despite them being fine they still have pigment which makes them noticeable (and I really don’t like how inflamed the follicles get when I shave. I’ve got a strawberry butt :woozy_face:). I wanted to ask roughly how long it’ll take to achieve one full clearance by electrolysis on an area such as the butt cheeks? I’ve attached a pic of my butt cheek (feels so weird to say lol) so if anyone has any insight I’d be grateful :slight_smile:

Btw I shaved kinda recently so I’m not at my full hairy potential in this pic - usually it’s a bit worse and not as sparse.

I’m only going to give you ONE strong suggestion: do a test spot with the laser before making a major commitment.

Depending on your age (and several other factors) you could, because of laser treatments, stimulate your hair growth. The internet is abundant with personal stories about this ubiquitous outcome. Nearly all my “body work” clients experienced laser-stimulated hair growth before seeking electrolysis.

Now, I’m not saying that this is GOING to happen to you. I am saying … do a proper test to make sure you don’t become another “statistic!” I have the same recommendation for any electrolysis patient: do a small test area to make sure you won’t end up worse-off.

The people here will explain what constitutes a “proper test” of your laser or electrolysis treatment. “Test the water before jumping in!”

Hi Bono, thank you for the reply. I had LHR patch tests done a couple of months ago on various areas of my body and the coarser hairs responded very well which is why I’ll only focus laser on these areas. Luckily the laser tech suggested the same thing and was aware of the risk of laser induced hair growth. I don’t want to take the risk of lasering the finer hairs (as much as I want to :sweat_smile:) because I’m super scared they might get thicker which is why I’m considering electrolysis for these areas. Do you mind me asking roughly how many hours from your experience it takes to perform electrolysis on larger areas such as the buttocks or upper back on ladies (for one full clearance, or for significant reduction of the hair)?

A.s. I dont think Mr Bono is going to have a good answer to your inquiry. It’s generally unwise to provide estimates sight unseen. There are too many factors which can affect such an estimate, and at best we can set an unrealistic expectation that isnt going to bmeet the electrolysis consumers experience. Electrologists work at differnt paces, and with differing attention to detail. Consumers outright lie or mislead the electrologist and the case is often not what was reported to us. We have no idea as to genetic contributions, factors such as hormonal imbalances, whether a client has been plucking waxing or doing laser all of which will significantly affect the process. So there’s no real “General Average” and its generally a disservice to the consumer to provide one, without all the necessary information to do so. .Truly every case is different and unique, and needs a unique and independant estimate on treatment. If Mr Bono ( not your average electrologist by any means) were to give you an estimate, I fear it would only be after a direct consultation with him and would only apply to treatments with him.

I fear now you are going to hear a lecture about Total Treatment Time. Go for it Mike! ( maybe you should do a standardized blurb on that, and paste it in whenever this question comes up?)


Hey Seana … I think you’re right! Furthermore, when clients talk about “the bum” it can mean very different approaches; like what sections … or feathering if it’s a BIG job and hairy legs. (So, who’s MR Bono? … Yikes, I prefer “asshat!” Then again, I suppose it could be Mr. Asshat?)

BTW, are you going to be in the September 26 Zoom thing with the Canadian association? I’ll be “flapping my gums” so it should be a lot of fun. I’m still trying to figure out a topic. Got any suggestions? Phyllis want me to start out playing the piano … maybe “Oh Canada?” No … bad idea.

I’m fine with Mr Asshat. Might confuse some of the posters here though, I was following the address used by the original poster.

Nope I wont be at that Zoom meeting. I’m not not a member of COPE and wont be as long as Veronica Ficner remains president. She had her lawyer trying to sue me after one of her customers complained about her to heath department and then tried to claim I had called right at the start of the pandemic . I have better things to do with my time . I wont have a damn thing to do with the COPE association Phyllis I’m certain knows about it, but she knows enough to keep out of it. So long and short answer is no COPE for me and no Zoom meetings. I barely have time for our Ontario association anyway my clients keep me absolutely packed, whether at home or when I had my office. This week is a little quieter being right before labour day , but other than this I havent had an empty time slot since march. No time for anything but family and work. . I’ve decided I really like working from home.

Hi Seana,
Re the working from home. I had a big clinic until 5 years ago. Worked 7 days a week for over 12 years. I started out at home in 1991, decided to try working outside the home. Did it for 12 years. Sold it. Retired for 1 year. Decided to do “a little work” but now I am booked 3 weeks ahead. But….I have no travel time, no staff, I can take a nap or run an errand if someone cancels. I won’t work late hours anymore (past 6, I get stupid). I am much more relaxed and am really enjoying my work again.

I do have an Apogee Elite Laser which I use for really dark hair beard and pubic areas. But I would not touch that butt. I refuse to do “full body”, and most of my face and neck work is Electrolysis.

So stay home and enjoy! It’s lovely!

Palmer Laser & Electrolysis
Richmond Hill

Oh, I did not know of these difficulties. I don’t know Veronica Ficner. Indeed, we often get into “snits” with associations or any “uber-menschen” organization. That’s why I’m not a member of any association. I figure that if I’m not a member, they can’t throw me out! Indeed, the “throw out” warning was issued to me at least three times … so, I fully understand your reluctance. Anyway, I’m sure to stir-up some trouble … “It’s what do?” Nicht war?

At them moment … relating to Joyce … I’m not working. Most of my clients are from other countries and they can’t travel easily at the moment. I’m mostly killing TERMITES that have managed to eat my redwood fences, etc. Also, thwarting skunks, raccoons, bob-cats and coyotes that have moved into the City. Skunks are so cute … but, DAMN what an odd defense mechanism?!

I am quite content with my decision to move my practice home. My clients like it better too. There is better accommodation for parking than my busy commercial space, less traffic, and less of them miss their appointments or are late because of this. I have disposed of at least one staff member , and now have no less than $6000 a month reduction in expenses. That’s money I now get to keep! Many of my co-electrologists in the industry supported me in this, most of whom have been doing so for 20 years or more . They put it like this: we work from home, always will , get to keep what we earn, and there’s free cookies too! Join us! You wont regret it! And I have not. A million financial stresses disappeared along with my commercial office with no loss in customers or business. In fact I gained more!
So I absolutely wholeheartedly agree with what you say, and I have zero inclination to ever put myself into that position again. It’s a hell of a feeling to walk into your bank with $10000 in cash you made this summer and which is YOURS…to KEEP… for your many hours and efforts and tell them to deposit it. Imagine what I can do with more than a summer/late spring?Employees/ apprentice? sorry but good ridence! $3000 in special needs child care? Nope! Not anymore! You could not possibly convince me to work for someone else, nor to open a commercial clinic again. Never!!! And they really do give us cookies!

Mike, Veronica is the woman I worked for 7 years ago, and left abruptly before opening my wellington Street Clinic. She’s always been threatened by my doing electrolysis in this city. I’m a strong competitor witha strong client base and the best reputation from my customers in the city. IT’s no surprise when she has no one else to blame because of her own poor interactions with her customers, that she would somehow reason I am somehow to blame, she doesnt have a history of acknowledging her own failures… That she sent not one but 2 threatening letters from her counsel, is not a surprise. But as she is president of COPE, sorry but no I wont have anything to do with the association. I dont need censorship, I can self censor and keep my ass out of the pool if I cant swim. There’s absolutely no love lost on this side. And it’s where my previous employee is now apparently. Goood. Cant wait to film the fireworks when it all blows up. i will be very amused.Never have there been 2 more mismatched noncompatible personalities.

Oh, I’m sorry for any negative experience. But I’m joyful that you’re doing well. I do remember the “dark days” when things were not working out.

Your story reminded me of an electrologist in my own city. Nancy Van Tassel (no longer here), was somebody I always liked and would frequently help. She was pretty cute too. During the height of the AIDS epidemic, a couple clients told me that Nancy told them that I have AIDS. After questioning several mutual friends, they all confirmed that she told them the same story. (Not true at all, by the way.)

My attorney (and her attorney) agreed on a settlement: she paid my legal fees ($700) and wrote letters to all the people to whom she had made her terrible accusation: stating that she lied in order to take clients from me. There were actually 75 letters! (My attorney collected them an we mailed them ourselves). I never quite understood the depth of her brutally horrible behavior … or why she invented something so onerous. A real knife in the back for sure.

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Oh it’s absolutely perfect Michael I’m fine. One of the really nice things about working from home is the reduction is stress. It’s all water on a ducks back. I dont want for clients, ever. I’m having to send dozens of new inquiries right now to my competitors because there is no time for me to take them on and been talking to one or two of them to facilitate that, but, they’re packed too mostly. I’m stuck in my place now and there isnt more “seana working time” as it’s a finite economy. If anything, I’m taking more days to myself now because I WANT TO. and because I havent taken any appreciable time off, even at christmas, in 10 or more years. Gotta take care of this old body. It’s somewhat a relief, I feel like the tourettes sufferer, with zero filter when the person they are talking to has been a complete tirdbrain. They tell it like it is, and this is very much the philosophy I’ve adopted too. In the age of Covid, nothing is assured. Not even our own continued existence.

And Mike, wheres my lecture on total treatment time? I mean after I set it up so nicely, heck almost gift wrapped, but no taking the bait?

I’ve seen laser work very well on hair like this. All lasers aren’t created equal. They may need to use a different modality. I haven’t seen laser-stimulated growth. I have however seen growth as a result of people shaving an area they did not previously shave often (if ever) in preparation for laser treatment! Spot testing is a good idea but if your laser place only has one laser the options may be limited.

Oh yeah … TTT? Frankly, I BORED with my own stuff. You do it! You’re young and enthusiastic.

Hi Joyce,

Okay, so I think the best bet may be electrolysis for my butt then (and other fine hair areas). It pains me to think about how many hours it’ll take :sweat_smile: Buuut I’m used to it, I’ve had dozens of hours on my face (with great results). Also, would you refer to this kind of hair as vellus or terminal? I keep seeing varying definitions for ‘vellus’, some say it’s the ultra fine tiny blonde hairs we all have in some parts of our body i.e. the face but others say vellus hairs can be dark too? I always thought the hairs like the ones on my butt are just thin terminal hairs but maybe I’m wrong…
Also, I tried to get some pics of my upper back hairs which are kinda the same type as my buttock hairs. Would you say these are vellus or terminal?

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face: