burn marks from one touch!

just wanted to stress to people trying out the one touch for the first time to make sure to have the device off (i.e., with your finger OFF the metal band) when first inserting it in the hair follicle.

i just got my unit about a week ago, and made the mistake of trying it out without reading nohair’s website thoroughly. i inserted it into roughly fifty or so follicles (about a four square-inch swath on the side of my forearm) while the unit was ON (at a power halfway between “0” and “1”), and now i have dozens and dozens of small red scab-like dots, indicating to me that the layer of skin above the follicle has been burned. it’s been two or three days, and they’re still there.

so…help! my own stupidity aside, i’m terrified of long-term scarring. i have south asian skin that is quick to hyper-pigment, but also quick to erase marks–i’ve rarely seen scars that have lasted longer than a few months. does anyone have any advice on how to minimize and help these burn marks heal? i’ve been slathering on the aloe (the Banana Boat gel), but i think something more serious might be in order to avoid scar tissue.

on a happier note, when i tried the one touch without having the device on during insertion (after reading no hair’s site and various other posts), i ended up with a few round misquito-bite like bumps that disappeared within hours.

i’m not giving up, but it’s definitely disappointing that i might end up having some scarring…any advice on how to minimize the likelihood of long-term damage would be helpful


i have the same problem as you. when i first used one touch, i let the needle in my hair folicle buzz for ~10 times before removing (and the hair doesn’t slide out easily), but a week later the hair grew back. so i let the needle stay in my hair folicle for ~1 minute, and the hair slides out easily, but now i got little red scars all over my leg and its unsightly. i’m also asian, so when i get scabs, after it heals, it tends to leave a mark. anyone got some suggestions?

ditto. I’ve now got burn marks stretching down my forearm. It sounds worse than it actually is, but it’s still enough to make me only want to use the OneTouch for touch ups in hard to see places.

(It’s been difficult emotionally. I just hate the options: ridiculously expensive professional treatment that I can’t afford, or long-term messing up my skin. I think that no matter what electrologists on this site say, professional electrolysis is just not an option for large areas, especially if you’re a student.)

I’m told that continuously using Vitamin E is a good way to get rid of the scars once they form…that and just keep the area moisturized. My scars tend to heal after a while, so I suspect I’ll be fine in a few months. If not, I’ll probably invest in some strong alpha-hydroxy cream.

The One Touch can work without scarring. The main objective is to NOT over treat. Use an intensity and/or time of treatment just long enough to do the job. It’s better to have to treat it again on it’s next growth cycle than to have a permanent scar. With practice, you’ll get the touch of settings and time, but always err on the safe side (under treating).

Thanks, No Hair, I’ll try it, but the One Touch doesn’t seem to work for me. Leaving it on longer at a lower setting just doesn’t work (especially for coarser hairs, for which even the high settings don’t work). And after about a month of sporadic usage, the whole unit seems to not be working at all. I think I’m with Andrea on this one–

(On a more upbeat note, I think the Vitamin E oil has worked, and my burn scars seem to be fading slowly. I also got some Palmer’s lotion, which claims to even skin tone…we’ll see if that works.)

Maybe you aren’t doing the insertions deep enough? That would explain you getting burns as well as not being able to epilate hairs.

You want to be doing insertions as deep as 5mm, depending on the type of hair. If you epilate a growing hair - so it comes out with a full sheath and soft part at the tip - and pull it out with the tweezers starting at the skin surface, the length from the tweezers to the end of the hair is how far you should be inserting, maybe plus a millimeter or so.

  • Eric

i, too, got some insect-bite like bumps in my face shortly after using this device.

fortunately, i did not continue. i didn’t have any chance to apply anything onto the affected areas. but it took only a month to fully recover with no scar left. you might go to consult your doctor if it is not going to cost too much.

my advice to u & other unlucky individuals is stop using this product and take a look on other methods until u are fully satisfied your findings. you should establish your findings instead of others.

right now, i would not overly rely on certain individuals’ “doctrine”. to me, fda is not always right. you can read their publications. but that doesn’t mean findings from other sources are to be totally ignored. u cannot talk about science if you still overly place trust on hear-says. if the results published by a few individuals are the only source of knowledge, what is the meaning of scientific research ?

i also heard of some comments against another hair-reduction cream which i don’t know initially. i tried it following my unsuccessful attempt of diy electrolysis. this one is the cheapest one available in my place. to my dismay, i did notice some improvement. i might be wrong!

i think the analogy is like “weapon of mass deception”. it is just difficult to imagine how one individual could fool the whole world.

i get red dots all the time but after a while they go away and so its fine, i think its worth the red dots for permenant hair removal!
i use setting no 5 insert needle, touch band and zap them for 30s, then take out the needle and use a tweezer to gently take the hair out, sometimes the hair grows back albeit thinner,in which case a second zap usually does the trick but 80% of the time it works 1st time
i also find some times every insertion just goes right in and its perfect, while other times no matter how many times i try it just does not go in, so i guess its luck.