bruising (purpura) with Nd-Yag

I had my 3rd session for laser hair removal on my legs.
I’m skin type 4 with coarse to normal hair.

I developed some kind of purpura on my legs, they used Nd-Yag laser for me on Apogee Elite machine.

The setting was (15mm-20ms-25J)

I know it’s temporary, but my question is…
what caused the bruising, is it something have to do with the setting, is it too high? or is it something have to do with me?
I’ve heard that the low platelets in the blood can cause it.

Had anyone experienced this?
do you advice me to stop laser?

That setting is pretty low on the Yag. Are you sure it wasn’t the alex portion of that machine used? Your skin type should be able to handle that Yag setting without an issue as it’s pretty low, so it makes me think that they may be using an alex on you and if that’s the case it’s probably too high for you.

Bruising is caused by settings that are too high, on skin that is too dark naturally or was recently tanned. It will go away.