Bruising/Dark Purple Spots Question

I got thermolysis on my breast (the entire breast) a couple days ago. I see there are three four tiny spots that are purple and bruised and one spot (amount the size of 1/2 a dime that is dark purple and bruised.

I notice the technician kept pressing on that spot.

Is this normal? How long will it take form the bruising and dark purple spots to go away?

You have a micro-hemorrhage. This will go away as would any other normal bruise on your body. Hairs on the areola are commonly distorted and consequently an insertion can happen that pierces the follicle wall and “pokes” a tiny blood vessel.

She was pressing on the injury to momentarily decrease the blood-flow and render the bruise smaller. Her doing this tells me that she is capable of instantly analyzing her work; and that’s a good thing. These minor bruises are rare but sometimes occur … absolutely nothing to worry about.

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Thank you Bono-I appreciate your response.

Sure … also, this can happen with perfectly straight follicles too. Maybe the insertion went a bit too deep, or the insertion was off a little. Happens.

Electrolysis is full of hurdles and obstacles. An occasional bruise shows that we are only human, as we try to hit a target we cannot see. I also want to say that if an electrologist observes that she/he created a bruise, then they should tell the client, put pressure on the area and instruct the client that it will absorb in about a week. Clients appreciate the honesty and are very gracious and forgiving.


Hi Bono, do you know how long it takes for the bruise to heal? It’s been three days and I see that the is turning a little yellow. I’m a little worried about the dark purple spots to be honest, I doubt those will be gone in a week. There are three small ones and then one rather big one.

Hi Emmy,

I too had the same kind of purplish/ brown/ red kind of bruises and they resolved in 10 days, I usually go for treatment every two weeks so by my next treatment those completely subsides

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Yellow is lovely and shows that your little “micro” is resolving on it’s normal schedule. I know everyone wants a specific time and date but that is somewhat depending on the individual. There is absolutely nothing you can, or should, do to make this go away faster. I’d say, just forget about it.

My own horrid jaw infection resolved, the pain is gone and I sort of thought it would never go away. I too wanted to know “how long!” The body is truly amazing and nearly all of what’s going on (at the cellular level) we have no clue at all as to what’s happening.

I always like to ask clients the following question just to give them some pause as to the miracle of our body: Question: How many cells, in our body, are duplicating in ONE second? The answer is 10 million (per second). Sometimes we just have to let Mother Nature “do her thing” and not over-think our issues … because we will never understand all the processes going on.

In your case, your little amoeba-like macrophages are squiggling around and gobbling-up the dead red cells. Just “chill” and let the little monsters enjoy the feast! (Of course, if it’s Amber Heard, the bruises come and go at the convenient photo-op time.)

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Thank you Bono.

I iced it and use Arnicare multiple times a day and it also has really sped up the healing process.